1.) Unlike running outside where I get to
2.) If the gym is crowded and you are sandwiched between other mill runners, their stride will always kinda throw mine off causing me to work twice as hard at keeping my breathing and own stride in check.
3.) Out running other people who get on the treadmill next to me will never get old and will always give me a second wind. Even if they don't know it....we're in a race and I'm gonna smoke em'....BAM!
4.) I will always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS pull the godforsaken emergency "stop" button on ACCIDENT...causing me to come to a screeching halt and losing all my valuable running info...GRRRR!! Nothing like being in your groove and settling into mile 4 only to instantly be at a speed of 0.0 and having to guess what your time was. I swear if this happens to me one. more. time. I am gonna go awol on the treadmill. That button is in the WORST spot. for reals.
Here is the breakdown of my run this morning:
-run 1 mile and get flagged down by the "kid club" lady who is holding up 2 fingers at me, which can only mean one thing to a mama who has a potty trained 2 yr old who is currently going through a HUGE regression since we moved.
5 mins later....
-run 1 more mile and accidently pull the emergency "STOP" plug....swear under my breath for a good minute, then resume run.
-run 4 more miles and manage to pull "STOP" plug. again. swear. again.
-run last and final mile at a super awesome pace and decide that running a fast 7 miler (9:24 pace) with a few unexpected stops along the way is waaaaay better than running in heat and humidity. But seriously, does anybody know the trick of how NOT to pull that dang "STOP" plug?
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It ain't great, but the Hubs did snap a pic of me on the ole' mill this morning. |
Wonder if people thought he was being a stalker since I was oblivious to my picture being taken? And why does it always look like I'm just walking fast when the Hubs photographs me running? I swear I was running in this pic, I was at a sub 9 pace. pinky swear. Although, if this was taken at the very end of my run than this running mama was actually at a sub 8......wuz up LFBIL, better watch it cause I'm gonna catch you......muahahahaha |