Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Treadmill 101

Here's what I learned about treadmill running today.....

1.) Unlike running outside where I get to ditch leave my children at home and run in uninterrupted peace...I am still 100% responsible for them when they are in the gyms "kid club" and a certain 2yr old decides to drop a deuce when you are only on mile 2 of

2.) If the gym is crowded and you are sandwiched between other mill runners, their stride will always kinda throw mine off causing me to work twice as hard at keeping my breathing and own stride in check.

3.)  Out running other people who get on the treadmill next to me will never get old and will always give me a second wind.  Even if they don't know it....we're in a race and I'm gonna smoke em'....BAM!

4.)  I will always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS pull the godforsaken emergency "stop" button on ACCIDENT...causing me to come to a screeching halt and losing all my valuable running info...GRRRR!!  Nothing like being in your groove and settling into mile 4 only to instantly be at a speed of 0.0 and having to guess what your time was.  I swear if this happens to me one. more. time. I am gonna go awol on the treadmill.  That button is in the WORST spot. for reals.

Here is the breakdown of my run this morning:

-run 1 mile and get flagged down by the "kid club" lady who is holding up 2 fingers at me, which can only mean one thing to a mama who has a potty trained 2 yr old who is currently going through a HUGE regression since we moved.

5 mins later....

-run 1 more mile and accidently pull the emergency "STOP" plug....swear under my breath for a good minute, then resume run.

-run 4 more miles and manage to pull "STOP" plug. again. swear. again.

-run last and final mile at a super awesome pace and decide that running a fast 7 miler (9:24 pace) with a few unexpected stops along the way is waaaaay better than running in heat and humidity.  But seriously, does anybody know the trick of how NOT to pull that dang "STOP" plug?

It ain't great, but the Hubs did snap a pic of me on the ole' mill this morning.    

Wonder if people thought he was being a stalker since I was oblivious to my picture being taken?  And why does it always look like I'm just walking fast when the Hubs photographs me running?  I swear I was running in this pic, I was at a sub 9 pace. pinky swear.  Although, if this was taken at the very end of my run than this running mama was actually at a sub 8......wuz up LFBIL, better watch it cause I'm gonna catch you......muahahahaha

Monday, July 25, 2011

Going for Gold

Golds Gym that is. 

The weather won the battle and it was time to move some of my runs indoors.  I still plan on training outside on occasion, but girlfriend needs a break from the heat every now and again.  After suffering through the last 3 weeks in super hot weather and having terrible, TERRIBLE runs, it was time.  I feared I was losing my running mojo to the heat and lord knows I have worked way too hard to let that happen. 

Today was my first day taking the gym for a test drive.  I signed up on Friday, although my workout that day was a run to the gym...sign home from the gym (3 miles in all).  I mean am I coo koo?  I think the guy at Golds may have thought I was crazy to run at high noon to obtain a membership.  I could have easily driven to the gym, signed up, ran 3 miles in a air conditioned gym and driven home.  Whatev's, I do what I want.

So, that brings me to today's fantabulous run!  It had been 3 weeks since I had a run that was longer than 4 miles and I knew that I needed to put in work on the treadmill.  I needed to rekindle my flame for running.  The heat had made me start to resent my quest for the13.1 bumper sticker and I needed to get back on track. stat.  My goal for today was 7 miles, but secretly I was thinking it would be a miracle to make it to 6.  Seriously.  My last 3 or 4 runs had been so miserable that I felt like I was back at the beginning of my training program. Running is redonkulous....just sayin'.  I digress.....I headed to the gym this morning super excited to be running indoors.  I had all of my supplies...

Nike Visor...check

Moisture wicking top and shorts...check (seriously, I think all this wicking technology makes you stink more when you workout.  Anybody else agree?)


Nuun...double check (obsessed.)

BodyGlide...triple check!!  This stuff is AMAZING and I never run without it.  Although I ran further than I had planned today so I didn't apply enough...I'm paying for that now with a nasty little blister on one of my toes (the same damn toe always gives me trouble) and a sports bra "rash/burn" from a seam  under my tata's (tmi? nah...we're keepin' it real....right?).  I didn't realize the sports bra rash until the water from the shower hit it...HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THINGS AWFUL.....I literaly thought I had just been attacked by bees in the shower, it felt like a bazillion bee stings.  Won't ever make that mistake again.  From now on I will be applying bodyglide as if I'm gonna be running for days on end.
my new BFF

Which treadmill to choose?  There were so many. I honestly stood in the lobby for what seemed like forever trying to make the "right" choice.  Obviously I lead a very exciting life when my idea of a good time is obtaining the perfect treadmill location.  I finally decided on a 'mill upstairs that over looked the main cardio floor.  I liked having a birds eye view of the gym happenings and also the fact that no one would be running behind me since it was only a single row of machines.  I would be way to consumed with "does my butt look jiggly" thoughts if someone was running with a direct view of my backside. no thank you. 

With the perfect 'mill chosen, I was ready to get my run on.  I started at a nice slow 11min pace since I had a rough couple runs recently, but quickly realized that running on a nice, flat, pace keeping piece of machinery is da bomb dot com and I can run way faster.  So, I upped my pace to a 10:30, then 10:20, 10:10, sub 10, 9:40...and so on and so on....With every mile I ran I felt more confident.  Of course I was still keeping in mind that I didn't want to burn out by mile 6 or 7, so I would say my sub 10 came closer to mile 4.  By mile 6 I had made the executive decision to run 8 miles and had also decided that I love treadmills.  It was such a nice change of pace to just run on a flat even surface in the AC without worrying about stoplights, tripping on sidewalks, the HEAT, getting attacked by rabid dogs, being abducted by a know, normal outside things.  It was just me, my Ipod, the Today show and AC....heaven.  I really kicked it up the last 1/2 mile of my run and was almost was awesome!!  All in all I ran 8.4 miles at a sub 10 pace.  Not to shabby since I wasn't expecting to even finish 7.  Looks like it's Game On.....that bumper sticker is so mine.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Holy Hiatus!

I'm baaaack!

Did you miss me?  Obviously that's a silly question, because of course you did...duh!  So sorry to have abandoned you for the last 2 weeks.  We just moved into a new house and then went out of town for almost a week, so it's been hectic.  I was FINALLY able to get Verizon to come connect my cable and internet today.....phew, thank you lord!

Where do I even begin in updating you on my happenings?  I guess I'll begin with our family road trip to Kentucky to visit some great friends and my epic fail in staying on my training schedule. Seriously.  I fell off the workout wagon. HARD.  We left for KY on Wednesday and I was scheduled to run 4 miles on Thursday, followed by a 10 mile long run on Saturday and then rest days until we got back to MD on Tuesday.  Well, let's just say it didn't happen.  BUST!  The only run I was able to squeeze in was a little 3.2 mile run on Friday with my friend Anne.  We used to be stationed in Monterey, CA together and she was my workout buddy, so I loved being back together with her and heading out for a run.  Did I mention she's prego?  I wish I had been so active when I was pregnant.  I'm super impressed by her.  Our friends live out in the country on Kentucky Lake and while it was gorgeous, running by myself would not have been an option, it was ca-razy rural and who knows if I would have even made it back from a run by myself....for reals.  This Mama doesn't do "woodsy". not. one. bit. nature's yucky....unless of course by "nature" you mean a sandy beach with a drink in my hand...cause I'm 100% down with that....just sayin'.  Here's a few pics of my Kentucky's rural.
random rabid looking dogs without a fence or a leash? sure,....why not!

dead snake being eaten by bugs...awesome sauce.

random creeper man in the woods who mumbles loudly at you when you run by? yes, please.

Me and my amazing friend Anne! Love her and that baby belly!!

creepy looking house
 Soooooo, as you can imagine, this run turned me off to running in KY.  It was a bit too wild for my liking.  After this HOT (115 heat index) run, I was D-U-N....dunzo. see you on the flip side. runner-out. peace.  After coming to terms with my running hiatus, I spent the next few days enjoying our vay-cay...
Doesn't that HUGE cloud look like a pirate ship??   

yup, we pretty much match...great minds think alike ;)         


So, after 5 awesome days in KY it was finally time to head home to MD.  We were sad to leave, but our other friends (the Durbin's) were gonna be coming to our house for a visit the day after we got back.  Onto day number 4 of not running....eeeeeek!  I was semi hopeful that I might get back on the running track while the Durbin's were in town since they're gonna be running with us for our half marathon in November....not so much. FAIL. dang it. GRRRRR!  I was only able to muster up a 3.5mile run ONCE while they were in town.  Seriously...what is wrong with me?  Do I not understand what is coming my way?  I have 13.1 miles calling my name and taunting me.....I better get my behind in check.   My hiatus is unacceptable. period. the end.  

Where am I now, you ask?  Well, I've had a couple mediocre runs since the Durbin's left last Saturday, but I'm determined to get back on the wagon and get back to my training schedule stat.  Stay tuned folks, cause Mama gets her running jive back.....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Run. Stop. Run. Sprint.

Stop again. Run again. Stop one more time and decide you will NOT run again because you feel like poo poo.  Run again because nobody likes a quitter and you really are kinda close to home, so you mind as well get it over with.  Stop at the stop sign, cause duh, it told you to STOP.  Change the game completely and decide the last mile and change of your run will be sprint work since the first 2 miles were utterly and completely PATHETIC.

Hot. Mess.

It was 3.2 miles of pure ridiculousness.  The plan was to run 4, but I was all over the place with my running this morning, so I had to work with what I was feeling.  I ran the first 2 miles at about a 9:30 or so pace, and I would categorize it as a "good, not great" run, but then....SCREEECH.  My legs quit on me.  It was so random and annoying, so I walked a bit.  I really don't like walking when I know my body can run this distance.GRRR!  With about a mile or so left, I decided to run sprints the rest of the way home.  I am still confused as to why I thought this was a good idea or how I was even able to push my legs to not only run, but run fast.  I guess the sprints seemed easier because, A.) I would be done with this run faster (hallelujah)  and B.) I would be guaranteed breaks in between the sprints.  Now normally the thought of running sprints would have me running in the opposite direction, but I guess it's what I needed today to get through a rough patch.  Damn running shennanigans.

We're leaving for a road trip tomorrow, so my Thursday run will be on a treadmill at a hotel.  Not sure how that's gonna go, but we shall see.  And, sorry I don't have any lovely photos from todays run.  My internet is out at my house and I'm not too great at bloggin' from my phone.  Hopefully, our hotel will have internet so I can post my little heart out about running on a treadmill!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Seriously?  For reals? Did that just happen?  Did I really run 9 miles this morning? 9.07 miles if we're gonna be exact...and we are, cause that .07 was hard earned and I could have stopped at 9, but I didn't....  BOO-YAH! 

So as we all know, the Hubs had to sit this run out due to a self diagnosed stress fracture (what's up WebMD) so it was up to me to either...

A. Find a replacement for the Hubs...or
B. Run. all. by. my. self (gulp...double gulp...oh, hellll no!)

So, as I'm sure you can guess.....I quickly found a replacement, or "stand-in" I should say, since no one could ever really replace the Pacer, duh!  Who was my stand-in you ask?  This Guy....
It's the LFBIL!!! 

My super awesome Lightening Fast BIL decided to get up super EARLY on his day off to come run 9 miles with me...YAY!  A bazillion thank you's to LFBIL for being all around awesome sauce and for helping me pull through on the last couple miles.  I was SPENT by mile 7, or maybe even before that, it was all kind of a blur after mile 4.  You think I'm kidding?  It was not the same glorious run I remembered from last weeks 8 miler.  Curse you running gods!!  Why am I doing this again?  Oh, right, I want that flippin' bumper sticker.  It's all coming back to me now...ridiculous.  Moving on....
Here's me and the LFBIL before my not so awesome 9 miler...
Hooray for early morning runs? not so sure bout that.

Oh, and here's a great picture of me and my "I'm totally gonna dominate this run because last weeks long run was so awesome and so of course this one will be too, so nevermind that you're adding on a extra mile and the temp has risen and so on and so on and so on"......I'm a hot mess...
seriously? mess.
The first 3 miles felt really great and I was able to converse with LFBIL and although my pace was all over the map, I was pretty confident that I was gonna hold steady in my happy place for the duration...err, no.  I was able to hold a pretty steady sub 11, but I was definitely on the struggle bus...alot.  I am so greatful to the LFBIL for running with me and STAYING with me, even when I was running a dreadful pace and thought I might not make it till the end.  He really did help me pull through, especially the last 2 miles, those were BANANAS. so hard. so very very hard.  That being is a little pic of how easy a run this was for my LFBIL....
umm, yeah.  He's on his cell phone.

Are you kidding me?  This guy was taking calls, making name it.  I'm pretty sure he used the phone at least 5 if not 6 times during our run to talk to my Big Sis (LFBIL's wife) make Dr.'s appts, etc.  Ummm, excuse me, but how do I apply for those magical athletic powers?  At mile 8 or so he even asked me if I had anything left or if I was just maintaining.  I'm pretty sure he was hoping I would have some juice left in my tank to run the last mile at a sub 10 pace.  Sad, so very sad.  Wish I would have, but nope.  This Mama was dunzo.   Next time LFBIL....promise.  Here is my sad sack of a self after our run....
my tank was empty.

 I'm taking the next 2 days off in preparation for a 10k on Monday!  Hope my legs are ready to run again by then!!