Friday, September 16, 2011

Cleanliness is Godliness.

Half marathon results are in.  I wish I could crawl under a rock and pretend that I didn't run a super slow 2:39 race.....ugh!!!  I thought I was pretty well trained for this race, so that time is super hard to swallow.  I know, I know....I finished and that's all that counts...yadda, yadda, yadda....It still stinks, just sayin'.

In other news....Big Sis totally came through with her awesomesauce laundry skills!! She brought my loverly shoes back to their former glory and they look radiant if I do say so myself!  I should add that my beautiful Brooks are swiftly approaching the 300 mile mark and will be due for a replacement, so I didn't mind sending them on a spin cycle since I knew their glory was almost gone regardless.  That being said, I will be hard pressed to ever part with the first pair of shoes that brought me to my half marathon glory finish.  Shall we quickly have a before and after recap?  Duh, of course we should....
Brand spankin' new and looking beautimous.....

A handful of miles in and quickly becoming my bff's

WTH?  I betrayed my shoes and tortured them for a solid 13.1 miles.  

They were so gross post-race, but have no fear.....Big Sis is here!!  She worked her laundry magic and delivered these shiners to me the very next day! How's that for fast and efficient?
Cleanliness is Godliness.

So thankful to Big Sis for saving my shoes!!  They're back to their former glory. sorta.  I mean, maybe it's all mental, but they definitely "feel" different on my feet since taking a ride in the washing machine.  Am I crazy?  Perhaps.  Guess the only way to find out is to get a new pair of shoes and compare. bummer (heehee).  Besides, it's better to have two pairs of running shoes anyway, right?  I mean every runner should have a pair of back-up shoes,it just makes sense.  Totally.  Sorry Hubs, but it looks like this Mama needs a new pair of shoes! 

Moving on.....I've completely overhauled my training regimen for my half in November due to my lack luster performance this past weekend.  My new training includes lots of speed work and tempo runs which is something I never did in preparation for my last half.  I really think this will help me improve my endurance and hopefully shave some serious time off my runs.  This past week has been what seems like a ton of 3 mile runs, which I've loved.  It's kinda nice to go out for a quick run instead of a time consuming 6+ miler.  I even set a 3 mile personal record of 27 minutes (that's a 9 minute pace)....GO ME!  I looked at the results of the 5k from the same race that I ran my half last weekend and as it turns out, if I had ran the 5k (at that same 9 min mile pace) instead of the half....drum roll please......I would have placed 2nd in my age group!  Um, that for real?  I think I would have dropped dead from excitement if that ever happened to me.  Maybe I'm more destined for greatness in the 5k realm?  They're a hell of alot less painful, that's for sure!

And for all you inquiring is my new schedule....


3-mi EZ
7 x 400 SPD
3-mi EZ
3-mi PC
8-mi LNG
3-mi EZ
2 x 10-min TMP
3-mi EZ
3-mi EZ
5-K RC
3-mi EZ
8 x 400 SPD
3-mi EZ
4-mi PC
9-mi LNG
3-mi EZ
2 x 10-min TMP
3-mi EZ
5-mi PC
10-mi LNG
3-mi EZ
9 x 400 SPD
3-mi EZ
3-mi EZ
10-K RC
3-mi EZ
20-min TMP
3-mi EZ
5-mi PC
11-mi LNG
3-mi EZ
10 x 400 SPD
3-mi EZ
3-mi PC
12-mi LNG
3-mi EZ
2 x 5 min TMP
3-mi EZ

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mission Completion

I ran 13.1 miles today.  Hooray for me!!

So many emotions racing through my mind before, during and even after my run, it was insanity!  I am so proud of my accomplishment, but have to admit that my time was less than stellar.  I'm not sure of my "official" time since I wasn't paying attention when I crossed the finish line, and I also managed to forget to stop my watch...whoopsie.  Sooooo, my best guess of a finishing time would be 2:38 (I should have the official time by Wed).  That is a super snail like pace of around 12 minutes.  Not exactly what I had in mind for a finishing pace, but still proud of myself nonetheless.

The night before the half I was obsessing about having everything laid out and ready for me in the morning.  I even went as OCD as to try on my running clothes to make sure everything was a-okay.  I know, I'm a coo koo bird.  I honestly think I would have been way less nervous if I weren't running by my lonesome...*tear*
All my "gear" laid out the night before...check!
Here was my checklist:
-Nike running shorts and shirt
-Brooks shoes
-Nike visor (I never run without it)
-watch (one day it will be the Garmin 405...heaven)
-Nathans handheld water bottle (this was a new addition to my run training after a couple  uncomfortable runs using my "belt")
-Body Glide (because no one wants their thighs rubbing together for a solid 13.1 miles. seriously.)
-Gu Chomps (strawberry and orange) forever and ever all time fave electrolyte enhancing awesomeness!

I was up at 5am and had a quick bite to eat (half a bagel thin with a smidge of peanut butter) and a bottle of water with a Nuun tab.  We (me and the Hubs) left the house at 6am and by 6:30am I was picking up my registration packet.  I can honestly say that for the most part my nerves were in check.  I was most panicked about running "alone".  I am 150% a people person and would much rather run with others than by myself any day.  Seeing so many groups of people pre-race made me wish I had a buddy to embark on this hell journey with.  Much to my surprise I did run in to someone that I knew! HOLLA!  One of my oldest friends little sister, Maria, was running the 10k with her hubby...hooray for seeing familiar faces when your body is racked with nerves! And, as it turned out, Maria's sister Patty was actually coming to watch her race...say what?!  How excited was I that one of my most dear friends (we've known each other since 1st grade) was gonna be at the finish line to cheer me made my day! 

Before I knew it, it was 7:30 and the race was about to begin...ruh row.  No turning back now. shit shoot!  And I was off......
love you Hubs, but really? This is the best you could do for a "starting line" photo? Hate to point out the obvious, but...uhhhh, I don't have a head! I'm in the blue shorts/black top directly behind the girl in the green shirt

The first 5 miles ticked by pretty easily.  I was having a little bit of trouble controlling my pace, but I was holding my own and was under my sub 11 pace, so I was feeling confident.

Mile 4 (I think)...I'm in the blue shorts/black top and feeling great!
Then mile 6 entered my life and all hell broke loose....Okay, so maybe it wasn't that dramatic, but miles 6-8 were AWFUL.  The trail turned from pavement to gravel/packed dirt/sand and then to top it all off.....standing water.  My feet were completely soaked. We're talking up to the top of my socks, soaked.  To say that I lost my groove once my feet became wet squishy prunes is an understatement.  Mama was on the struggle bus.  I wasn't even sure how I was gonna be able to finish I hurt so bad.  Then, the most incredible thing happened....I rounded a corner and saw my amazing Hubs standing on the sidelines.  I could have fact, I almost did.  I felt so relieved to see him.
Hubs took this photo right as I rounded the corner and saw him...

I came to a screeching halt once I reached him and explained that I was in full on panic mode and would be needing his assistance for a little bit to get me back on track.  He was happy to oblige and so we set off on mile 9 together.  Then came mile 10 and I just wasn't willing to let the Hubs leave me.  I knew that I needed him by my side if I wanted to finish strong.  Not to mention trying to make up for all the lost time between mile 6-8 where I was crawling along the course like a slug.  No, really, I was crawling.  Okay, so I wasn't literally "crawling", but it was slooooow, so very sloooow.  It was in fact pathetic, and I will be sure to up my training game to prevent these sort of shenanigans in November.  Although, that's the shady thing about running...sometimes you can go forever with tons of awesome runs and then other times it's terrible run after terrible humbling.

That being said.....the Hubs helped me finish out my run and I am forever grateful for his help.  He has always been my #1 running buddy, even when we lived in Northern Cali and I could barely scrape together a 3 mile run.  He always believed in me and knew I could do whatever I set my mind too.  Love you Hubs!

Because my Hubs was running with me during the last leg of the race, I have no pics from mile 9 and on.  I will be forced to wait until the race event posts times and finishing photos before I can bestill that excitement onto you.  I do however have a lovely photo of my sopping wet shoes post-race.  And before any of you "mud run/warrior dashers" get all up in arms because your shoes were 5 times as dirty...let me stop you and say "I don't care how dirty your shoes are because at the end of the day I did not sign up for any such "mud" race, I signed up for a nice flat and "fast" half that did not involve mud of any form".....soo there :)  I don't like being dirty and I have a deep LOVE for my Brooks, so I would like them to stay perfect for always.
they're so wet and yucky. I've sent them home with Big Sis in the hopes that she can bring them back to their former glory!  Oh, and my feet are still pruned from all the water....gross

Moving on.......  When I got home from my race today, low and behold what had come in the mail.....A little post-race treat if I do say so myself
Why, Hello Mr. 13.1 bumper magnet...I love you too

Missy Muffin was oblivious to today's happenings, but she showed solid enthusiasm regardless!

 And, so that was my recap!  As soon as I get official results I will be sure to update you all!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Show Time

Can you even believe that I'm running my half off tomorrow?  It's bananas. like whoa. (squeal)

Hard to believe that 4 months ago I could barely run 2 miles, right? ca-razy.  

I'm so anxious about tomorrow.  I mean who wouldn't be a little on edge the night before running 13.1 miles for the 1st time ever in your life.  That's like a solid 2+ hours...HOURS...of running.  I'm trying to pretend like it's just a 13.1 training run.  easy peasy lemon squeezy....yes? no?  We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning when my alarm goes off at early.

I hate to cut this post so very, very short, but it's getting late and I still need to lay out my clothes and other running necessities for my big day! 

Wish me luck!!!!