Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sub 10's

Why is it that some days I can run at a solid 9:45-10minute pace and other days I struggle to stay at a 10:30-10:45 pace?

I need consistency in my life. 


Phew, I feel a bit better now that I got that off my chest. 

After my glorious 7.3 mile relay on Saturday, I decided to give myself 2 days off before resuming my half marathon training.  So, yesterday I was back to my regularly scheduled program of the dreaded weekly loooong run.  I mapped out a 9 mile run...because I don't have a Garmin to guide my way (pathetic)...and the hopes and dreams of having a repeat sub 10 or at least a solid 10 pace.  On my way out the door the Hubs announced that if I wasn't back in 1hr 40mins, he would send out the search party looking for pressure...sheesh!  Now, I was determined to run 9 miles in exactly 1hr 30 minutes....and then I got lost.  In my own neighborhood.  Less than 2 miles from my front door.  I am officially directionally challenged.  It's cool though, cause it just makes my need for a Garmin that much more apparent to the Hubs.  Can everyone say Merry Christmas to me ;)

The run itself was good not great, although when you have an AH-MAZING run like I did on Saturday you're pretty much prepared for the fact that the next run you do will never live up to the previous run's awesomeness.  Right?  RIGHT!  Why does running have to be like that?  I mean seriously, who out there has a runner's high every. single. time. you go for a run?  No, wait.  I don't want to hear from you if you have awesomesauce runs on the regular.  It's not normal and I'm totally throwing the bullhonkey flag on you.  It's kinda like parents who pretend that every day with their children is like rainbows and unicorns...ummmm, notsomuch.  I mean I love my hooligans angel faces, but some days are enough to make you go coo coo for cocoa puffs. for reals.  So, I'm choosing to believe that peeps who claim to run like the wind without any pain and suffering on a regular basis are liars.  Moving on....

At the end of the day, I was able to get my 9.45 mile run (hooray for getting lost?) completed in 1:34 at a pace of 9:56....HOORAY!!  I took 3 Clif Shot Blok chews (tropical punch flavor w/caffeine) about 15 minutes before I left for my run and another 3 around the 50 minute mark since I felt myself starting to drag.  I also took super quick breaks to stop and take a drink of water about every 20 minutes.  I've been carrying a Nathan Sports handheld water bottle which I find easier to run with than the fuel belt, and when I took my second round the shot bloks I had to stop and walk.  For some reason when I take energy gels or gummies, I find that the only way to get them down without wanting to vomit is to stop. walk. chew. hydrate. resume running....did you get all that?  So, at the end of the day I stoked on my run because not only did I run at a sub 10 pace, but I did it with making quick water stops and a refueling stop...not to mention stoplights, etc.  I'm really hoping to run the half in November at a 10 minute pace...fingers crossed!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rockin' Bmore!

Hey, Ya'll!

I ran a was should all run one....for realz...LOVED IT!

About a week or so ago my friend Heather asked me to join her 4 person relay team for the Baltimore Marathon Relay...ummmm, yes please!  Their 4th member had to step down and they were in a scramble to find a replacement.  I'm so happy that she thought of me to step in and take their friends place (THANKS TEAM FASTINISTAS!).  I had originally wanted to run the relay, but couldn't seem to get a team together so I gave up and called it a wash.  Heather new that I was already trained up for longer distances and that I had really wanted to do this relay, so it was a no brainer that I would love to join their team...duh!

So, what is a marathon relay, you ask?  It's a full marathon (26.2miles) broken down into 4 legs.  I was lucky enough to get the 4th leg (7.3miles) and was beyond excited! I mean who doesn't want to run through Camden Yards into the HUGE finish line with thousands of spectators?  The first 4-5miles were all over the place with small hills, but it was a glorious run.  The weather was amazing, although the wind was a bit whoa.  I mean I almost got blown away.  Wind aside, I would run the race again in a hot second.  I love it!! LOVE IT!  Seriously, obsessed.  You get all the excitement associated with a big marathon race, but without the anxiety of the loooong distance.
  When I went to pick up my race packet on Friday night I felt such relief.  I was only (only?) running 7.3 miles!  It didn't require any real long distance preparation...YEEHAW!  I was here to have fun. period. The end.  This was also my first race that had an expo for packet pick-up.  I officially felt fancy.  I was running a marathon sized race WITH an expo and a finishers medal?! I will never run a small town race again.  Okay, that's a lie.  I will never again run a half marathon that does not have a medal.  I know originally I was all about the free race t-shirt, but what I've learned is that if you're gonna be busting your butt running for anything more than say a 15k, you want the medal....and the t-shirt.  Speaking of t-shirts, the expo had some HILARIOUS shirts/bumper stickers/magnets, etc and of course I have to share some of them with you....


This one is for my friend Tracey....we both have running induced toenail issues...TMI? nah.
1/2 crazy for now! We shall see if I ever work up the courage to run a Full...dun dun dunnnn

Is there supposed to be a difference? 
I could have photographed funny shirts all night long, but I had to cut myself off.  I was like a tourist.  I am giddy with excitement about the expo in Savannah, GA!!  Bring on the funny shirts!

On to race day....

I was up at 5:45am on race day and my team left for B-more at around 6:30am.  We quickly dropped of our leg 2 member (Kerri) by the buses, so she could catch the 7:30am bus to her relay exchange, and found a parking spot.  The race didn't start till 8am, and my bus didn't leave until 8:30, so I was able to hang with our leg1 (Mary)and leg 3 (Heather) runners for a bit.  At around 7:50am I decided to head towards my bus stop and bid farewell to my teammates.  I knew that I was gonna be hangin' at my relay exchange for a good bit...good thing I love strangers and making new friends!  I arrived at my exchange by 9am, so you do the math for a marathon that starts at 8am...Mama was gonna be waiting for a good bit, and it was FREEZING!  No worries though, the whole experience was worth every goose bump.  I got to see the "real' runners...the, really....the top finisher was Kenyan, and he was fast.  I mean he was was bananas how quickly the leaders raced by us at mile 19...phew!

I love watching races, especially marathons.  They are so inspiring.  I was slightly disappointed by the lack of costumes.  When I was at the Marine Corp Marathon last year I saw tons of people dressed up, but it seemed like only a small handful wore funky outfits in Bmore.  I did love this old man.....
Yup, he's rockin' a light blue tuxedo

I also saw a dude wearing a Dunkin Donuts costume.  Can't imagine running 26.2 miles dressed as a cup of coffee. 

I had a rough idea of when the leg 3 runner, Heather, would be at the exchange point, but for the most part is was just a guess.  The exchange was broken down by groups according to bib numbers which seemed to help a bit, and I easily spotted Heather as she ran up the hill towards me.  I did however see a good number of people wandering around looking for their teammate to make the exchange.  I can't even imagine how frustrating that would have been!

My leg of the run was amazing (as previously stated above)!  It was better than I could have ever imagined and I was so glad that I had rested my legs in the days leading up to the race.  I also made a last minute decision to pop 3 Clif Shot Bloks (tropical punch flavor w/caffeine) about 15 mins before Heather got to the exchange and I'm thinking it really helped with my energy levels on the hills.  My finishing time was 1:12:54....that's a 9:55 pace!! YAHOOOO!  Um, seriously?  Did I just run like a Kenyan? HA, okay...I kid, I kid, but a 9:55pace for 7.3 miles is INSANITY for me.  Such a fabulous day and I am so excited to run Baltimore again next year.  I may even run the half!
Heather (leg 3) and Me (leg 4)....lovin' the medals!
Rockin' the "custom" shirts!  I was "The Closer"...get it?!
Mary, Kerri, Heather and Muah

This race has me so excited for Savannah!!  I'm hoping to be able to spank my previous half marathon time...fingers crossed!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Running for a Cause!

Um, yeah......So sorry that I fell off the blogging wagon.  My bad.

Let's see if we can get a quick recap of my life since I last blogged, shall we?

I ran a half marathon. BAM!
Oh, wait...Hubs cut my head off....whoops!  I'm the blue shorts, black shirt, last two digits on bib are 83....that girl....that's me!

Someone's loser cruiser just got even more lame awesome!

I tried revamping my training regimen to help me work on speed, which to be honest sounds silly when I say it out loud since I don't consider myself speedy in any way, shape or form.  After about a week or so on the new training schedule, I was burnt out...bleh!  Does anyone else feel like I've been training FOR-EV-ER?  I just wanna run for fun (?) agenda, just run!  Only a few more weeks until my Rock n' Roll Half in Savannah, GA and then it's "run for fun time"....YEAH BABY!

Speaking of the Rock n' Roll......My friends and I decided to raise money for an AMAZING organization and if you feel compelled to donate, that would awesomesauce!  Here's a little background info on why we chose to support the Naval Special Warfare Foundation...
For those of you that don't know, Josh and I spent the last 8 years in the Naval Special Warfare Community. In that time, we did multiple deployments and discovered a "family" like none other. Along the way there were lives of friends lost and many families left behind. In November we will run the Savannah Rock n' Roll Half Marathon with dear friends, who are also part of the NSW family, to honor our fallen brothers and sisters and support their families. 

Please help us help those left behind by donating to our "One Team One Fight"! ALL proceeds go to the Naval Special Warfare Foundation!! Please help us out by making a donation to such an amazing cause. Its a foundation very near and dear to our heart.

Here are the instructions on how to donate to One Team One Fight, "Team McLurbin":

1. Go to homepage

2. click "donate today" then scroll down to "make online donation"

4. Fill out info and in the "Program Area" choose "One Team One Fight"

5. In the "comments" section be sure to write "TEAM MCLURBIN-Savannah, GA Rock n Roll half"

6. click "submit" and that's it!
Thanks in advance to those who donate ;)