Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fast and Furious

Today, I had no agenda for my run.  I was "free running" if you will.  3 or 4 miles, no pressure, no biggie, easy day.  Nevermind the impending Hurricane, right?

The Hubs said he wanted to join me on my run today and so off we went.  About 5 seconds after we walked out the front door the sky got super creepy and looked like it was about to dump rain on us. We stopped for a sec to regroup and decided that the best decision would be to do the 1.5 mile loop around our neighborhood rather than risk getting stuck in a downpour.  I should add that I have no desire to ever in my life run in the rain.  Now, if I were in the middle of a race and it started to rain, then that would be okay, I would be forced to survive, but I will never subject myself to a rainy run for the fun of it....yuck.  Not to mention the fact that I love, LOVE, LUUUURVE, my running shoes so much that I would never want to risk them getting funky by a rainstorm.  I'm serious peeps, I don't even like running through dirt or puddles with them....How ridiculous is that?
wish I could keep them shiny and bright forever...*tear*...this pic is from a while back, so they aren't as bright and beautimous anymore

More on today's quick 1.5 miler.....

I was able to knock it out in 11:40!  That's a 7:45 pace....say whaaaaat?  Told you I really do NOT want to ever get rained on.  I was bound and determined to run my half for reals.  The Hubs held his own too, especially since he hasn't been running at all since his injury.  I mean I beat him, but I swear I'm not gloating or rubbing it in.  So what if your wife can run a little bit faster than you during a short race, it happens. MUAHAHAHAHA!!  Love you, Hubs!
Hurricane force winds....okay, not quite yet, but he couldn't resist.

Like Father, like Daughter.

Me and my Missy Muffin post-run

Missy Muffin wasn't amused with having her picture taken.  She was very busy trying to track her position on her GPS.

Due to Hurricane Irene's presence on the east coast this weekend, I doubt I'll be running anywhere tomorrow, so we shall see what Monday brings.  I plan on taking it easy the next week in preparation for my half marathon on the 10th (EEECK!!!).

1 comment:

Stephanie Coffman said...

hahahaha!!! "Missy Muffin's" picture is the cutest thing EVER!!! So adorable! lol! 7:45 pace!!! You ROCK!!! I would have totally done the "Rocky" dance at the end of that one. Stay stafe with the fam!! : )