Friday, August 26, 2011

Runner Girl...

Who me?  Yes, please!

I ran 10.8 miles yesterday. BOOM.

I have decided that I am officially a "runner".  I have been training my half off since May and after 3 roller coaster months of training, I finally feel worthy of the title.  I'm not sure why it took me so long to decide that I was officially a runner, but it did. and so now I am. YEE HAW!

Hello, my name is Lori and I'm a runner. (squeal)

Yesterday, I set out on an 11 mile run, my absolute longest run to date.  I really wasn't feelin' going for a run and tried to talk myself out of it quite a bit, but thankfully I got out of my funk and headed out the door.  The first 3 miles weren't so great.  My legs felt tired and I was already kinda bored...uh-oh, this was not a good way to embark on a 2 hr run (2 HOURS PEOPLE!).  Thankfully, I was able to fall into my groove and find my stride.  Towards the end of my run I was bit worried that I may have miscalculated my running route and that I might not hit exactly 11 miles, but I finished strong and honest to goodness felt that I could have easily checked off another 2 miles....HOORAY for me!  I guess all my training is paying off?  Weird.  Practice makes progress....I get it now.  As it turns out, I must have been half asleep when I mapped my route this morning because I was just a smidge...a teeny tiny little bitty SMIDGE...FRUSTRATING!!!!  Seriously, I am so proud of running 10.8, but that was not the goal people!!!! GGGRRRRR!! The goal was 11 and so I was obviously disappointed.  Don't get me wrong, I still had a great run that I'm proud of, but it wasn't the full 11....bust.  10.8 miles aside, I did decide that I am ready to attempt my first ever half marathon in just 2 short weeks.....EEEEECK!  Am I really ready for this?  Is it possible for little ole' me to actually run 13.1 miles without dropping dead?  I could pee my pants I'm so nervous!

Nerves aside,  I told myself that if I was able to accomplish yesterday's run that I would be obligated to sign up for the half on Sept. 10th.   Looks like I'll be running 13.1 very, very soon.  My heart is seriously swelling with pride.  

1 comment:

Jose N said...

Keep on blogging! I draw motivation from it knowing that you can do it!