Saturday, August 6, 2011

Welcome Back Hubs!!

Oh, sweet, sweet outdoor running....Why do you make me want to poke my eyeballs out?  Seriously, why does running have to be so hard?  Don't get me wrong, I am still 100% committed to my goal, but it has been a rough couple of weeks trying to "run my half off" and I'm wondering when I'm gonna get my groove back....UGH!

Since I've broken up with the treadmill, I'm back to early morning runs that are scheduled around who can watch my wee ones.  Yet another wonder of the gym is the free childcare that comes with it...sniff sniff...I miss you mill...  I decided to beg ask the Hubs to come off the injured list to help me through my run this morning.  After my last outdoor run I knew better than to try and go it alone today.  I had originally asked LFBIL to join me on my run, but since he was unavailable I had no choice but to guilt the Hubs into helping me.  How could he resist this face, right?  He couldn't, so he ran with me...sucka!

And so we embarked on a nice little 4 mile run.  My goal wasn't speed, but to finish...pretty pretty please just let me finish...I swear there is nothing more humbling than going for a long run, thinking you're conditioned for it and failing miserably. That being said, I honestly wasn't sure how the Hubs was gonna do on our run since it had been so long since he had pounded the pavement.  I mean 4 miles is a legit distance when you're recovering from a stress fracture and haven't run in weeks.  In the end he did awesome and even though I wouldn't call it an easy run for either of us, we FINISHED and that's all that counts!!  I was so excited to complete 4 miles without quitting (even if at some points I really, REALLY, REALLY wanted too) and I owe it all to the Hubs!  Just having a running partner made me accountable so that I couldn't quit and I am so thankful.  I GUARANTEE if I had been alone I would have walked a bit, or alot....who knows.  Point is, I'm a better runner when I have a partner.

So....after 4 not so awesome but we totally finished it miles......Here we are...
I think I may have been in a better place than the Hubs after our run.....our little Dude was the one who wanted to flex his muscle...the Hubs was just tryin' to breathe :)

We shall see how this weeks outdoor runs go, but I'm thinking I can only go up from here.....right?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

So awesome Lori...wish I had your motivation!