Sunday, October 9, 2011

Running for a Cause!

Um, yeah......So sorry that I fell off the blogging wagon.  My bad.

Let's see if we can get a quick recap of my life since I last blogged, shall we?

I ran a half marathon. BAM!
Oh, wait...Hubs cut my head off....whoops!  I'm the blue shorts, black shirt, last two digits on bib are 83....that girl....that's me!

Someone's loser cruiser just got even more lame awesome!

I tried revamping my training regimen to help me work on speed, which to be honest sounds silly when I say it out loud since I don't consider myself speedy in any way, shape or form.  After about a week or so on the new training schedule, I was burnt out...bleh!  Does anyone else feel like I've been training FOR-EV-ER?  I just wanna run for fun (?) agenda, just run!  Only a few more weeks until my Rock n' Roll Half in Savannah, GA and then it's "run for fun time"....YEAH BABY!

Speaking of the Rock n' Roll......My friends and I decided to raise money for an AMAZING organization and if you feel compelled to donate, that would awesomesauce!  Here's a little background info on why we chose to support the Naval Special Warfare Foundation...
For those of you that don't know, Josh and I spent the last 8 years in the Naval Special Warfare Community. In that time, we did multiple deployments and discovered a "family" like none other. Along the way there were lives of friends lost and many families left behind. In November we will run the Savannah Rock n' Roll Half Marathon with dear friends, who are also part of the NSW family, to honor our fallen brothers and sisters and support their families. 

Please help us help those left behind by donating to our "One Team One Fight"! ALL proceeds go to the Naval Special Warfare Foundation!! Please help us out by making a donation to such an amazing cause. Its a foundation very near and dear to our heart.

Here are the instructions on how to donate to One Team One Fight, "Team McLurbin":

1. Go to homepage

2. click "donate today" then scroll down to "make online donation"

4. Fill out info and in the "Program Area" choose "One Team One Fight"

5. In the "comments" section be sure to write "TEAM MCLURBIN-Savannah, GA Rock n Roll half"

6. click "submit" and that's it!
Thanks in advance to those who donate ;)

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