Friday, July 1, 2011


Seriously?  For reals? Did that just happen?  Did I really run 9 miles this morning? 9.07 miles if we're gonna be exact...and we are, cause that .07 was hard earned and I could have stopped at 9, but I didn't....  BOO-YAH! 

So as we all know, the Hubs had to sit this run out due to a self diagnosed stress fracture (what's up WebMD) so it was up to me to either...

A. Find a replacement for the Hubs...or
B. Run. all. by. my. self (gulp...double gulp...oh, hellll no!)

So, as I'm sure you can guess.....I quickly found a replacement, or "stand-in" I should say, since no one could ever really replace the Pacer, duh!  Who was my stand-in you ask?  This Guy....
It's the LFBIL!!! 

My super awesome Lightening Fast BIL decided to get up super EARLY on his day off to come run 9 miles with me...YAY!  A bazillion thank you's to LFBIL for being all around awesome sauce and for helping me pull through on the last couple miles.  I was SPENT by mile 7, or maybe even before that, it was all kind of a blur after mile 4.  You think I'm kidding?  It was not the same glorious run I remembered from last weeks 8 miler.  Curse you running gods!!  Why am I doing this again?  Oh, right, I want that flippin' bumper sticker.  It's all coming back to me now...ridiculous.  Moving on....
Here's me and the LFBIL before my not so awesome 9 miler...
Hooray for early morning runs? not so sure bout that.

Oh, and here's a great picture of me and my "I'm totally gonna dominate this run because last weeks long run was so awesome and so of course this one will be too, so nevermind that you're adding on a extra mile and the temp has risen and so on and so on and so on"......I'm a hot mess...
seriously? mess.
The first 3 miles felt really great and I was able to converse with LFBIL and although my pace was all over the map, I was pretty confident that I was gonna hold steady in my happy place for the duration...err, no.  I was able to hold a pretty steady sub 11, but I was definitely on the struggle bus...alot.  I am so greatful to the LFBIL for running with me and STAYING with me, even when I was running a dreadful pace and thought I might not make it till the end.  He really did help me pull through, especially the last 2 miles, those were BANANAS. so hard. so very very hard.  That being is a little pic of how easy a run this was for my LFBIL....
umm, yeah.  He's on his cell phone.

Are you kidding me?  This guy was taking calls, making name it.  I'm pretty sure he used the phone at least 5 if not 6 times during our run to talk to my Big Sis (LFBIL's wife) make Dr.'s appts, etc.  Ummm, excuse me, but how do I apply for those magical athletic powers?  At mile 8 or so he even asked me if I had anything left or if I was just maintaining.  I'm pretty sure he was hoping I would have some juice left in my tank to run the last mile at a sub 10 pace.  Sad, so very sad.  Wish I would have, but nope.  This Mama was dunzo.   Next time LFBIL....promise.  Here is my sad sack of a self after our run....
my tank was empty.

 I'm taking the next 2 days off in preparation for a 10k on Monday!  Hope my legs are ready to run again by then!!

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