Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Run. Stop. Run. Sprint.

Stop again. Run again. Stop one more time and decide you will NOT run again because you feel like poo poo.  Run again because nobody likes a quitter and you really are kinda close to home, so you mind as well get it over with.  Stop at the stop sign, cause duh, it told you to STOP.  Change the game completely and decide the last mile and change of your run will be sprint work since the first 2 miles were utterly and completely PATHETIC.

Hot. Mess.

It was 3.2 miles of pure ridiculousness.  The plan was to run 4, but I was all over the place with my running this morning, so I had to work with what I was feeling.  I ran the first 2 miles at about a 9:30 or so pace, and I would categorize it as a "good, not great" run, but then....SCREEECH.  My legs quit on me.  It was so random and annoying, so I walked a bit.  I really don't like walking when I know my body can run this distance.GRRR!  With about a mile or so left, I decided to run sprints the rest of the way home.  I am still confused as to why I thought this was a good idea or how I was even able to push my legs to not only run, but run fast.  I guess the sprints seemed easier because, A.) I would be done with this run faster (hallelujah)  and B.) I would be guaranteed breaks in between the sprints.  Now normally the thought of running sprints would have me running in the opposite direction, but I guess it's what I needed today to get through a rough patch.  Damn running shennanigans.

We're leaving for a road trip tomorrow, so my Thursday run will be on a treadmill at a hotel.  Not sure how that's gonna go, but we shall see.  And, sorry I don't have any lovely photos from todays run.  My internet is out at my house and I'm not too great at bloggin' from my phone.  Hopefully, our hotel will have internet so I can post my little heart out about running on a treadmill!

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