Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Holy Hiatus!

I'm baaaack!

Did you miss me?  Obviously that's a silly question, because of course you did...duh!  So sorry to have abandoned you for the last 2 weeks.  We just moved into a new house and then went out of town for almost a week, so it's been hectic.  I was FINALLY able to get Verizon to come connect my cable and internet today.....phew, thank you lord!

Where do I even begin in updating you on my happenings?  I guess I'll begin with our family road trip to Kentucky to visit some great friends and my epic fail in staying on my training schedule. Seriously.  I fell off the workout wagon. HARD.  We left for KY on Wednesday and I was scheduled to run 4 miles on Thursday, followed by a 10 mile long run on Saturday and then rest days until we got back to MD on Tuesday.  Well, let's just say it didn't happen.  BUST!  The only run I was able to squeeze in was a little 3.2 mile run on Friday with my friend Anne.  We used to be stationed in Monterey, CA together and she was my workout buddy, so I loved being back together with her and heading out for a run.  Did I mention she's prego?  I wish I had been so active when I was pregnant.  I'm super impressed by her.  Our friends live out in the country on Kentucky Lake and while it was gorgeous, running by myself would not have been an option, it was ca-razy rural and who knows if I would have even made it back from a run by myself....for reals.  This Mama doesn't do "woodsy". not. one. bit. nature's yucky....unless of course by "nature" you mean a sandy beach with a drink in my hand...cause I'm 100% down with that....just sayin'.  Here's a few pics of my Kentucky's rural.
random rabid looking dogs without a fence or a leash? sure,....why not!

dead snake being eaten by bugs...awesome sauce.

random creeper man in the woods who mumbles loudly at you when you run by? yes, please.

Me and my amazing friend Anne! Love her and that baby belly!!

creepy looking house
 Soooooo, as you can imagine, this run turned me off to running in KY.  It was a bit too wild for my liking.  After this HOT (115 heat index) run, I was D-U-N....dunzo. see you on the flip side. runner-out. peace.  After coming to terms with my running hiatus, I spent the next few days enjoying our vay-cay...
Doesn't that HUGE cloud look like a pirate ship??   

yup, we pretty much match...great minds think alike ;)         


So, after 5 awesome days in KY it was finally time to head home to MD.  We were sad to leave, but our other friends (the Durbin's) were gonna be coming to our house for a visit the day after we got back.  Onto day number 4 of not running....eeeeeek!  I was semi hopeful that I might get back on the running track while the Durbin's were in town since they're gonna be running with us for our half marathon in November....not so much. FAIL. dang it. GRRRRR!  I was only able to muster up a 3.5mile run ONCE while they were in town.  Seriously...what is wrong with me?  Do I not understand what is coming my way?  I have 13.1 miles calling my name and taunting me.....I better get my behind in check.   My hiatus is unacceptable. period. the end.  

Where am I now, you ask?  Well, I've had a couple mediocre runs since the Durbin's left last Saturday, but I'm determined to get back on the wagon and get back to my training schedule stat.  Stay tuned folks, cause Mama gets her running jive back.....

1 comment:

caree said...

It is soo tough to keep up the schedule while on vacation or having visitors. I am such a nut lately that I think about how I am going to fit in a run when I go to North Carolina next weekend for my friends wedding..