Houston, we have a problem.
The Hubs is unofficially on the injured list. Ruh Ro.
We have a self diagnosed stress fracture on our hands. How do I know this, you ask? WebMD, silly. Isn't that where you go for all your sound medical advice? Thought so. Perhaps it was the Hubs new running shoes that have betrayed him? Or maybe its just all those years in SpecWar catching up with the ole' guy. He's no spring chicken you know? Regardless of all that, dude is O-U-T of the running game for a few weeks.
What am I going to do without my partner? my buddy? the Hubs? the official pacer of "Team McClelland"? ACK! I'm in a panic I tell ya. My 3 mile run this morning just wasn't the same.*tear*sniff*
This is gonna be a true test of my dedication to power through all by my lonesome. YOWZ. Don't worry though, peeps. I've come WAY too far to wuss out now!
p.s.- tomorrow is the big 9-miler, wish me luck!! I've recruited the LFBIL to run with me and he's assured me that he won't leave me in his dust...we shall see
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tuesdays are not my friend. Lemme explain...
1. Tuesday is trash day in my neighborhood...stinky poo poo when it's hot and humid and you're on a run
2. Sundays cross train workout never happens (shocker, right?), so I'm coming off a 2 day workout hiatus...no bueno
3. After my Saturday long run, I always seem to eat and drink my way through the weekend (duh, I totally deserve a reward after running 8 miles) leaving me sluggish by Tuesday...bleh
4. The fear in knowing that this "short" little run is only a warm-up to the big kahuna run coming my way on Saturday (9 miles people. 9 MILES.......eeeck!)
See why I don't fully embrace Tuesdays? You probably wouldn't either, just sayin'.
Oh, and I think my "Pacer", the Hubs, has officially become "that guy that just so happens to always be running when I am, but he's way out ahead of me on his own program" guy. While I admit that I totally understand his need for speed, I will never admit that I may have been the one to give him the "go ahead" to leave me in his dust. What the......? I was in the bitter barn after our run this morning. for reals. It was a "good, not great" kinda run for me this morning, so to have the Hubs "running his half off" way up ahead of me basically put me over the edge. I'm cool now...I'm prepared to whoop his arse on Saturdays long run....muahahahahaha!!! LOVE YOU HUBS xoxo (watch your back)
Almost forgot....I had a quick trip back to Charm City Run to pick up some Sport Beans for my long run this Saturday! I'm hoping they are less "vomit inducing" than the GU gels (eeewwwww)! Stay tuned!
What do you use to stay hydrated and fueled on long runs?
1. Tuesday is trash day in my neighborhood...stinky poo poo when it's hot and humid and you're on a run
2. Sundays cross train workout never happens (shocker, right?), so I'm coming off a 2 day workout hiatus...no bueno
3. After my Saturday long run, I always seem to eat and drink my way through the weekend (duh, I totally deserve a reward after running 8 miles) leaving me sluggish by Tuesday...bleh
4. The fear in knowing that this "short" little run is only a warm-up to the big kahuna run coming my way on Saturday (9 miles people. 9 MILES.......eeeck!)
See why I don't fully embrace Tuesdays? You probably wouldn't either, just sayin'.
Oh, and I think my "Pacer", the Hubs, has officially become "that guy that just so happens to always be running when I am, but he's way out ahead of me on his own program" guy. While I admit that I totally understand his need for speed, I will never admit that I may have been the one to give him the "go ahead" to leave me in his dust. What the......? I was in the bitter barn after our run this morning. for reals. It was a "good, not great" kinda run for me this morning, so to have the Hubs "running his half off" way up ahead of me basically put me over the edge. I'm cool now...I'm prepared to whoop his arse on Saturdays long run....muahahahahaha!!! LOVE YOU HUBS xoxo (watch your back)
Almost forgot....I had a quick trip back to Charm City Run to pick up some Sport Beans for my long run this Saturday! I'm hoping they are less "vomit inducing" than the GU gels (eeewwwww)! Stay tuned!
What do you use to stay hydrated and fueled on long runs?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Crazy 8's
8 miles down. Holy moly that's a long arse distance!
Can you believe it? Doesn't it seem like I just started this journey yesterday? Monday will be the start of week 7 in my training program and I honest to goodness cannot believe I've made it this far, ha! Not that I thought I would drop the running gig completely, but I thought it would take me longer to work up to the longer runs. Turns out I'm just super awesome, so I'm staying on track. That 13.1 bumper sticker is soooooo gonna be mine (said with fingers and toes crossed....eeeck, 13.1 still really really scares me!).
The Hubs plotted out our run the night before and we were both really excited (excited about running? strange.). We decided to run from point A to point B instead of having to turn around at the half way mark. This my friends is genius. It makes the run so much easier when you don't have to have this whole conversation with yourself in the middle of your run...
"ackkk... you mean this was only the halfway part and I still have to run my happy behind all the way back to where we started, are you kidding me? running is so stupid. I hate this. I need someone to blame for making me do this running thing. who me? no, it 's not my fault, gotta find someone else....hmmm, let me think....damn. Have I really done this to myself?"
Seriously, this is what I deal with when I run. Moving on...
The Hubs and I took separate cars so we could drop one at the end of the run and then drive back to the start line. The trail took us on a 3 mile loop and then you "jump" onto a different trail to finish out the last 5 miles. Now normally I am not the type of runner who even notices the scenery. I'm more of a head down, ipod blasting, visor on, don't make eye contact with me, don't look up from the ground to catch a glimpse of how much further you have to run or the hill up a head, just keep soldiering on and stay focused. However, this run was different. The first 3 miles were on unpaved trails, so it was a bit of gravel, grass, sand, etc and it was so fun (?). WAIT WAIT WAIT.....not so much "fun", but more like different and new, not the same ole boring loops we do in our neighborhood where you know every hill, every speed bump, every everything. The last 5 miles were on a paved trail and the whole run was so flat, it was heavenly!
Let's talk gear, shall we?
Sparkly new Brooks
I decided to wear my new shoes for this run, even though I'm pretty sure most people will say you should slowly break in a new pair and not run 8 miles the first time you wear them. Whatev's, those puppies feel like I'm running on clouds and there was no way I was gonna EVER go back to my old beat to death shoes. It's hard to say if I had such a great run because of my new shoes, or if it was just an overall great run because the running gods had punished me enough with two previously awful runs earlier in the week. Either way, the shoes were the bomb dot com and I'm super impressed with Charm City Run for creating such a love connection.
Fuel Belt
Dorkiness aside, this belt was fantabulous! I filled up the 2 bottles with nuun enhanced water and then put my ID, car key and 3 GU gels in the little carry pouch (aka, fanny pack). The Hubs brings his phone so I don't run with mine, but I'm fairly certain it would have fit in the pouch with everything else. It took me roughly the whole first mile to figure out where the belt was most comfy on my waist, but once I got it in the right spot I was good to go. The bottles were super easy to get in and out of the holder and the velcro on the pouch is really secure so I wasn't worried about anything falling out. Oh, and there's a little thingy (great explanation, I know) for you to attach your keys to for added security. Overall, I'm so glad I decided to geek out and buy a fuel belt.
GU Energy Gels
Oh Lord, where do I even begin?? gross. vomit. vile. disgusting. never. ever. ever. again. SERIOUSLY. Mama no likey. bleh. I'm having phantom gag reflex flash backs over here just writing about it. We were at about mile 4 when I decided it was time to break out the reinforcements. I was feeling pretty good, but knowing that I was only at the halfway mark I wanted to be sure that I was doing everything possible to keep my energy up and soo....dun, dun, dun....I opened up a GU. My LFBIL had warned me that they were thick and to swish some water with them to help it go down, but sweet mother of all things gross. I was not prepared. I managed to choke half of it down, but when I went for my 3rd swig, it just wasn't happening. No amount of water was gonna allow me to swallow another drop of that vanilla bean flavored disaster and so I ended up having to spit it out, all over the side of the trail, it was gross. Pretty sure if someone had seen me they would have thought I was actually throwing up because of the NASTY consistency of the Gu mixed with a ton of water. yuckers. Not to mention that little fiasco cost me a good portion of my water supply. grrrrr! Safe to say I won't ever try another GU gel, however I'm willing to give some of the other products a try, so I'll be heading back to the running store for round 2.
All in all it was a great run. My legs felt strong and my breathing was on point, no gasping for air for this girl (not today anyway).
Distance: 8 miles
Time: 1:25:30
Pace: 10:41
We shall see what my next run brings :)
Can you believe it? Doesn't it seem like I just started this journey yesterday? Monday will be the start of week 7 in my training program and I honest to goodness cannot believe I've made it this far, ha! Not that I thought I would drop the running gig completely, but I thought it would take me longer to work up to the longer runs. Turns out I'm just super awesome, so I'm staying on track. That 13.1 bumper sticker is soooooo gonna be mine (said with fingers and toes crossed....eeeck, 13.1 still really really scares me!).
The Hubs plotted out our run the night before and we were both really excited (excited about running? strange.). We decided to run from point A to point B instead of having to turn around at the half way mark. This my friends is genius. It makes the run so much easier when you don't have to have this whole conversation with yourself in the middle of your run...
"ackkk... you mean this was only the halfway part and I still have to run my happy behind all the way back to where we started, are you kidding me? running is so stupid. I hate this. I need someone to blame for making me do this running thing. who me? no, it 's not my fault, gotta find someone else....hmmm, let me think....damn. Have I really done this to myself?"
Seriously, this is what I deal with when I run. Moving on...
The Hubs and I took separate cars so we could drop one at the end of the run and then drive back to the start line. The trail took us on a 3 mile loop and then you "jump" onto a different trail to finish out the last 5 miles. Now normally I am not the type of runner who even notices the scenery. I'm more of a head down, ipod blasting, visor on, don't make eye contact with me, don't look up from the ground to catch a glimpse of how much further you have to run or the hill up a head, just keep soldiering on and stay focused. However, this run was different. The first 3 miles were on unpaved trails, so it was a bit of gravel, grass, sand, etc and it was so fun (?). WAIT WAIT WAIT.....not so much "fun", but more like different and new, not the same ole boring loops we do in our neighborhood where you know every hill, every speed bump, every everything. The last 5 miles were on a paved trail and the whole run was so flat, it was heavenly!
Let's talk gear, shall we?
Sparkly new Brooks
I decided to wear my new shoes for this run, even though I'm pretty sure most people will say you should slowly break in a new pair and not run 8 miles the first time you wear them. Whatev's, those puppies feel like I'm running on clouds and there was no way I was gonna EVER go back to my old beat to death shoes. It's hard to say if I had such a great run because of my new shoes, or if it was just an overall great run because the running gods had punished me enough with two previously awful runs earlier in the week. Either way, the shoes were the bomb dot com and I'm super impressed with Charm City Run for creating such a love connection.
![]() |
yes, my feet are large. |
Fuel Belt
Dorkiness aside, this belt was fantabulous! I filled up the 2 bottles with nuun enhanced water and then put my ID, car key and 3 GU gels in the little carry pouch (aka, fanny pack). The Hubs brings his phone so I don't run with mine, but I'm fairly certain it would have fit in the pouch with everything else. It took me roughly the whole first mile to figure out where the belt was most comfy on my waist, but once I got it in the right spot I was good to go. The bottles were super easy to get in and out of the holder and the velcro on the pouch is really secure so I wasn't worried about anything falling out. Oh, and there's a little thingy (great explanation, I know) for you to attach your keys to for added security. Overall, I'm so glad I decided to geek out and buy a fuel belt.
![]() |
practicality. check. |
GU Energy Gels
Oh Lord, where do I even begin?? gross. vomit. vile. disgusting. never. ever. ever. again. SERIOUSLY. Mama no likey. bleh. I'm having phantom gag reflex flash backs over here just writing about it. We were at about mile 4 when I decided it was time to break out the reinforcements. I was feeling pretty good, but knowing that I was only at the halfway mark I wanted to be sure that I was doing everything possible to keep my energy up and soo....dun, dun, dun....I opened up a GU. My LFBIL had warned me that they were thick and to swish some water with them to help it go down, but sweet mother of all things gross. I was not prepared. I managed to choke half of it down, but when I went for my 3rd swig, it just wasn't happening. No amount of water was gonna allow me to swallow another drop of that vanilla bean flavored disaster and so I ended up having to spit it out, all over the side of the trail, it was gross. Pretty sure if someone had seen me they would have thought I was actually throwing up because of the NASTY consistency of the Gu mixed with a ton of water. yuckers. Not to mention that little fiasco cost me a good portion of my water supply. grrrrr! Safe to say I won't ever try another GU gel, however I'm willing to give some of the other products a try, so I'll be heading back to the running store for round 2.
All in all it was a great run. My legs felt strong and my breathing was on point, no gasping for air for this girl (not today anyway).
Distance: 8 miles
Time: 1:25:30
Pace: 10:41
We shall see what my next run brings :)
Friday, June 24, 2011
Kickin' it
Mama got a new pair of shoes! YEEE HAW! I am officially official in the running shoe department. No more running in shoes that I bought because I like the colors and they were on sale. No, no my friends, this is serious business. My new shoes are for function, as in you don't even get to pick the color or brand...they tell you what to buy and you listen, because they are "runners" and you are just a work in progress. period. the end.
I've been dreaming about taking a trip to Charm City Run in Annapolis for about the last 4 weeks and the Hubs finally agreed that it was the right time to get some new kicks. Say no more, I'm there! This place is A-MAZING. First off it's 100% a running store, so as far as I'm concerned they can be the boss of me. They literally take all the guess work out of finding the perfect shoe. Here's the rundown of how they work their shoe magic....
step 1- measure my tootsies to determine the correct size of myginormeous petite feet
step 2- watch me walk barefoot and evaluate my arch (sooo fancy)
step 3- bring me out 3 options to try and send me to the treadmill (yes, treadmill) to video record my feet while I run in said shoe (told you....super fancy, it's how I roll)
step 4- fall in love with the 2nd pair I try on, take em' for a spin on the ole' mill (short for treadmill, cause we're close like that) and then bounce around the store in new shoes like I'm walking on clouds
I should warn you that step 5 is where I geek out in the running store....
step 5- ask about how to stay hydrated and "fueled" while running long distances and end up drooling over fuel belts that are really just glorified fanny packs (so lame, but so functional, but seriously. super lame). That being said......I totally bought one, ha!
Hold on to your hat folks, cause you're about to see all of my new awesomeness........
And because I know you're all dying to know the exact details of those amazing purchases you see above. Here's the low down...
Shoes: Brooks Glycerin 9
Fuel Belt: Nathan Speed 2
Energy Gels: GU (banana-strawberry, vanilla bean, choc outrage, espresso love)
Not so sure about how the GU's will go over, but I'm testing them out tomorrow and rest assured that I'll give you a report. Not gonna lie, kinda grossed out about eating anything called "gu", that is reportedly the texture of icing, when I'm running. icky.
And in case you wanted to see my new best friends again....
Don't worry, the Hubs got some new kick's too
Well, I'm off to la la land since I have to get up at o' dark thirty tomorrow morning to run 8 miles. Don't be jealous :)
I've been dreaming about taking a trip to Charm City Run in Annapolis for about the last 4 weeks and the Hubs finally agreed that it was the right time to get some new kicks. Say no more, I'm there! This place is A-MAZING. First off it's 100% a running store, so as far as I'm concerned they can be the boss of me. They literally take all the guess work out of finding the perfect shoe. Here's the rundown of how they work their shoe magic....
step 1- measure my tootsies to determine the correct size of my
step 2- watch me walk barefoot and evaluate my arch (sooo fancy)
step 3- bring me out 3 options to try and send me to the treadmill (yes, treadmill) to video record my feet while I run in said shoe (told you....super fancy, it's how I roll)
step 4- fall in love with the 2nd pair I try on, take em' for a spin on the ole' mill (short for treadmill, cause we're close like that) and then bounce around the store in new shoes like I'm walking on clouds
I should warn you that step 5 is where I geek out in the running store....
step 5- ask about how to stay hydrated and "fueled" while running long distances and end up drooling over fuel belts that are really just glorified fanny packs (so lame, but so functional, but seriously. super lame). That being said......I totally bought one, ha!
Hold on to your hat folks, cause you're about to see all of my new awesomeness........
swoon |
Shoes: Brooks Glycerin 9
Fuel Belt: Nathan Speed 2
Energy Gels: GU (banana-strawberry, vanilla bean, choc outrage, espresso love)
Not so sure about how the GU's will go over, but I'm testing them out tomorrow and rest assured that I'll give you a report. Not gonna lie, kinda grossed out about eating anything called "gu", that is reportedly the texture of icing, when I'm running. icky.
And in case you wanted to see my new best friends again....
I'm in luurve |
it's like a happy little new shoe love affair |
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Saved By the Bell
Guess what happened today peeps?? My alarm didn't go off........Say whaaat?? It was kinda awesome, not gonna lie. I was supposed to run another "little" 4 miler today, but due to my awesome dysfunctional alarm clock not going off, that just didn't happen. BOOOOO! Hahaha, just kidding...it was AWESOME!!! Thank you sweet alarm clock for allowing me extra sleep and giving me new juju for todays run...mwa mwa mwa mwa (those are my wittle kisses to my alarm clock).
So, I am a bit nervous about my 8 miler on Saturday since I didn't fulfill my 4 miler today, but I'm fairly confident that it helped me mentally. Being able to run a "fast" 2 miles today sorta reminded me that running can be rewarding (huh? that last line confused me too). The last time I ran a 2 mile run it was at an almost 12min pace, so to be able to go out and run a 2miler at a 9:30pace is INCREDIBLE!! Goooooo ME!!!! I'm still a wee bit scurred to run 8 or 9, or 10, or heck even the thought of running period makes me nervous but, whether I like it or not, I'm improving! Ca-Razy
It's just what I needed!! I've been a bit nervous about my new found running addiction and I'm pretty sure the people closest to me feel the same way....minus the Hubs of course! My Little Dude wants me to succeed so bad! Every time the Hubs and I come in from a run his 1st question is ALWAYS..."Did you beat Daddy in your race, Mommy?"....um, no, but thanks for the thinking it was even possible. Never mind that Daddy's legs come up to Mommy's belly button therefore making his stride twice as long as Mommy's. It's an unfair advantage that you will one day understand, little person!
Oh, and tomorrow's post will be OH-SO-FUN!! The Hubs and I went to a running store today and got fancy new shoes!!! It's all very, very exciting! We're growing up so fast, it just makes me proud!
So, I am a bit nervous about my 8 miler on Saturday since I didn't fulfill my 4 miler today, but I'm fairly confident that it helped me mentally. Being able to run a "fast" 2 miles today sorta reminded me that running can be rewarding (huh? that last line confused me too). The last time I ran a 2 mile run it was at an almost 12min pace, so to be able to go out and run a 2miler at a 9:30pace is INCREDIBLE!! Goooooo ME!!!! I'm still a wee bit scurred to run 8 or 9, or 10, or heck even the thought of running period makes me nervous but, whether I like it or not, I'm improving! Ca-Razy
It's just what I needed!! I've been a bit nervous about my new found running addiction and I'm pretty sure the people closest to me feel the same way....minus the Hubs of course! My Little Dude wants me to succeed so bad! Every time the Hubs and I come in from a run his 1st question is ALWAYS..."Did you beat Daddy in your race, Mommy?"....um, no, but thanks for the thinking it was even possible. Never mind that Daddy's legs come up to Mommy's belly button therefore making his stride twice as long as Mommy's. It's an unfair advantage that you will one day understand, little person!
Oh, and tomorrow's post will be OH-SO-FUN!! The Hubs and I went to a running store today and got fancy new shoes!!! It's all very, very exciting! We're growing up so fast, it just makes me proud!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
What Goes Up
What goes UP, must come down (we're talking about my runner's high, peeps)
Today kicked my badunkadunk.
I mean really, really, really put a hurtin' on me...and my ego. It was sad, UGH! From the moment I took the first step on my run, right up until the very last moment, I was in P-A-I-N. (On a super exciting side note: if you notice my dailymile tracker to the right, you'll see that I finally ran a sub 10 pace....YAHOO!) Now back to the pain part......
Let me first start out by saying that I wasn't mentally prepared for my run this morning. We had spent a glorious weekend at the beach and it's safe to say that I ate my weight in food daily and indulged in a variety of adult beverages without doing one ounce of exercise. We're talking zip, zero, zilch, nada! Whoopsie, guess that might make for a painful run today, right? RIGHT!! Soooo right!! Scream it from the mountain tops.....RIGHT!! I'm so mad at myself. Seriously, it's annoying. I've vowed to never go 3 days without some form of exercise ever again (unless of course we're back at the beach with friends having a blast....I'm only human). Okay, I'm getting off track. Back to the run....
Mile 1 was unpleasant. I knew it was gonna be bad as soon as I started running, but I just kept telling myself to slow down, take my time and fall in to stride. Um, yeah...that didn't happen.
Mile 2 was a disaster. I had given the Hubs the go ahead the night before to leave me in his dust during our runs if he was feeling really good and so.....yup, I got left in his dust...curse him!! Okay, don't curse him.....but seriously, I was in the bitter barn for a hot second about not being able to even keep him in my line of sight. I tried to reassure myself that it was better this way. I could run at my own pace and not feel pressured to keep up, but my mind wasn't right today, so it had the opposite effect. I couldn't shake the feeling of defeat and wanting to give up.
Mile 3 almost brought me to tears. No, really, I almost cried. I was that pathetic. Am I really capable of running a half marathon when I can't even knock out 4 miles? I was my own worst enemy by this point in the run. In my defense, I really need to redo my ipod so that when I'm suffering through agonizing pain and feeling as if I'm gonna drop into a pile of mush on the side of the road, a sad, lonely, heartbreaking John Mayer song doesn't come on and send me over the edge. It's really not fair.
Mile 4 brought a quick sprint and some speed walking. You see, the Hubs had stopped to make sure I was still alive, so when I rounded the corner and saw him, I naturally thought the run was over and gave it all I had left and sprinted to the finish. Only problem....it wasn't the finish, it was just the Hubs making sure he still had a wife...sweet, I have to run some more. Awesome sauce. The last half mile forced me to do a wee bit of speed walking, but hey....I survived and I'm sure it won't be the last time I have a horrid run!
Say a prayer for me that my 4 miler on Thursday is more kind to me!
Today kicked my badunkadunk.
I mean really, really, really put a hurtin' on me...and my ego. It was sad, UGH! From the moment I took the first step on my run, right up until the very last moment, I was in P-A-I-N. (On a super exciting side note: if you notice my dailymile tracker to the right, you'll see that I finally ran a sub 10 pace....YAHOO!) Now back to the pain part......
Let me first start out by saying that I wasn't mentally prepared for my run this morning. We had spent a glorious weekend at the beach and it's safe to say that I ate my weight in food daily and indulged in a variety of adult beverages without doing one ounce of exercise. We're talking zip, zero, zilch, nada! Whoopsie, guess that might make for a painful run today, right? RIGHT!! Soooo right!! Scream it from the mountain tops.....RIGHT!! I'm so mad at myself. Seriously, it's annoying. I've vowed to never go 3 days without some form of exercise ever again (unless of course we're back at the beach with friends having a blast....I'm only human). Okay, I'm getting off track. Back to the run....
Mile 1 was unpleasant. I knew it was gonna be bad as soon as I started running, but I just kept telling myself to slow down, take my time and fall in to stride. Um, yeah...that didn't happen.
Mile 2 was a disaster. I had given the Hubs the go ahead the night before to leave me in his dust during our runs if he was feeling really good and so.....yup, I got left in his dust...curse him!! Okay, don't curse him.....but seriously, I was in the bitter barn for a hot second about not being able to even keep him in my line of sight. I tried to reassure myself that it was better this way. I could run at my own pace and not feel pressured to keep up, but my mind wasn't right today, so it had the opposite effect. I couldn't shake the feeling of defeat and wanting to give up.
Mile 3 almost brought me to tears. No, really, I almost cried. I was that pathetic. Am I really capable of running a half marathon when I can't even knock out 4 miles? I was my own worst enemy by this point in the run. In my defense, I really need to redo my ipod so that when I'm suffering through agonizing pain and feeling as if I'm gonna drop into a pile of mush on the side of the road, a sad, lonely, heartbreaking John Mayer song doesn't come on and send me over the edge. It's really not fair.
Mile 4 brought a quick sprint and some speed walking. You see, the Hubs had stopped to make sure I was still alive, so when I rounded the corner and saw him, I naturally thought the run was over and gave it all I had left and sprinted to the finish. Only problem....it wasn't the finish, it was just the Hubs making sure he still had a wife...sweet, I have to run some more. Awesome sauce. The last half mile forced me to do a wee bit of speed walking, but hey....I survived and I'm sure it won't be the last time I have a horrid run!
Say a prayer for me that my 4 miler on Thursday is more kind to me!
Friday, June 17, 2011
mile 7.
Hi friends! I'm going all high tech and blogging from my phone.....I'm so fancy. We're on our way to the beach for the weekend with some fab friends, but I just couldn't wait till Monday to tell you about my run this morning!
Who ran 7 miles this morning? Who woke up at 5am to squeeze in said run? Who then wrangled 2 hyper excited children into clothes, pack suitcase, pack snacks, shower, look presentable , load up the car and not forget one. single. thing.....all before 8:3am? This girl, that's who!
The run itself felt really good. I was at about an 11min pace which was really comfy for me and I had no desire to push past comfort. I would say that hardest part of the run was all the hills......GRRRRRR! I know that training on such hilly courses will help me in the long run, but can a girl get a nice flat stretch of road for longer than a quarter mile?? no? damn.
Who ran 7 miles this morning? Who woke up at 5am to squeeze in said run? Who then wrangled 2 hyper excited children into clothes, pack suitcase, pack snacks, shower, look presentable , load up the car and not forget one. single. thing.....all before 8:3am? This girl, that's who!
The run itself felt really good. I was at about an 11min pace which was really comfy for me and I had no desire to push past comfort. I would say that hardest part of the run was all the hills......GRRRRRR! I know that training on such hilly courses will help me in the long run, but can a girl get a nice flat stretch of road for longer than a quarter mile?? no? damn.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Flying Solo
Yes, today was a cross training day. No, I didn't cross train. Anybody out there surprised? Didn't think so.
Don't worry peeps, I didn't 100% flake on the training schedule. I decided to run a 3 miler tonight...all by myself. My first official run by my lonesome. I was even forced to bring my phone so that I could use the "runkeeper" app to track my distance and time. I really need one of those fancy Garmin GPS watch thingys. It would change my life.....I'm sure of it. Did I mention that I carry my ipod in my hand too? I can hear your whispers..."wait....she does what??? poor girl, someone needs to show her the way". I hear ya people and I'm working on upping my running gear game. I have a laundry list of things that I need in my life that I just know will make running morebearable enjoyable.
Okay, I'm getting side tracked. I plan on dedicating a whole post to all the fun, wonderful, magical running items that I feel I need in my life, but more on that later. Let's get down to business...the real reason I am so excited to be blogging tonight.
Drum roll please...........
This is HUGE friends! Do we remember that 5 weeks ago I was running a 12min pace and tonight I ran a 9:45....YAHOOOWEEEEE! Now, I know that I said it wasn't about the time, it was about finishing. I still feel the same way....about my long runs. I kinda feel like I've waged a war with the 3 miler and I'm determined to run it faster...each and every time.
Is it possible? Could I one day catch the LFBIL in a 5k race??? Maybe? Watch your back LFBIL......MUAHAHAHAHAHA (that's my evil laugh)
Here's how I rewarded myself after my run....
Don't go getting your panties in a bundle.....I drank a bottle of water with a nuun tab before I hit the bottle ;)
Don't worry peeps, I didn't 100% flake on the training schedule. I decided to run a 3 miler tonight...all by myself. My first official run by my lonesome. I was even forced to bring my phone so that I could use the "runkeeper" app to track my distance and time. I really need one of those fancy Garmin GPS watch thingys. It would change my life.....I'm sure of it. Did I mention that I carry my ipod in my hand too? I can hear your whispers..."wait....she does what??? poor girl, someone needs to show her the way". I hear ya people and I'm working on upping my running gear game. I have a laundry list of things that I need in my life that I just know will make running more
Okay, I'm getting side tracked. I plan on dedicating a whole post to all the fun, wonderful, magical running items that I feel I need in my life, but more on that later. Let's get down to business...the real reason I am so excited to be blogging tonight.
Drum roll please...........
This is HUGE friends! Do we remember that 5 weeks ago I was running a 12min pace and tonight I ran a 9:45....YAHOOOWEEEEE! Now, I know that I said it wasn't about the time, it was about finishing. I still feel the same way....about my long runs. I kinda feel like I've waged a war with the 3 miler and I'm determined to run it faster...each and every time.
Is it possible? Could I one day catch the LFBIL in a 5k race??? Maybe? Watch your back LFBIL......MUAHAHAHAHAHA (that's my evil laugh)
Here's how I rewarded myself after my run....
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mmmmmm.....yum-o |
Don't go getting your panties in a bundle.....I drank a bottle of water with a nuun tab before I hit the bottle ;)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Practice Makes Progress
Who woulda thunk it, right? Practice does indeed translate into progress.....it's genius, I swear! Why did it take me 31yrs to realize this and actually put it into action? Have I been living in a hole? Under a rock? Why have I not already earned myself that 13.1 bumper sticker? why? WHY? Why didn't someone slap me and say "get off your badunkadunk" or better yet, "get off your badunkadunk and become a runner while you live in beautiful, sunny, 70 degree San Diego where you can enjoy nice long runs along the gorgeous pacific ocean admiring palm trees and cool breezes instead of waiting till you move back to the east coast into a hilly neighborhood where the humidity is bananas and the thermostat is only gonna keep going up...that is until summer's over and then you'll get to suffer from hypothermia during your runs and your ears will hurt so bad from the cold that it will feel like needles being poked into your brain"......whoa, sorry bout that, got a wee bit carried away, and for the record I don't know for sure if cold ears in the winter will feel like needles to my brain, it's really just an assumption.....forgive me. Let's move one...
Today marks the start of week 5 in my training schedule! I can't believe I'm actually still excited about running after 5 weeks full of high's and low's. I've had some awesome runs and I've had some not so awesome runs, but at the end of the day I get 'er done, so that's all that counts! Here is a quick look back at all of my 3 mile runs over the past 4 weeks....
time: 36:21
pace: 12:07
time: 35:23
pace: 11:45
time: 31:52
pace: 10:37
time: 30:24
pace: 10:07
time: 33:25
pace: 11:04 (this was my "cramp in the side...not...gonna...make...it...run")
time: 30:15
pace: 10:05
TOOT, TOOT!!! (That's me tooting my own horn in case you were confused)
I'm supposed to cross train tomorrow.....bwahahahaha! Who am I kidding? It'll be a small miracle if I'm able to complete a cross train workout, but lord knows if it does happen I'll be sure to document it with photographic proof. Stay tuned!
Today marks the start of week 5 in my training schedule! I can't believe I'm actually still excited about running after 5 weeks full of high's and low's. I've had some awesome runs and I've had some not so awesome runs, but at the end of the day I get 'er done, so that's all that counts! Here is a quick look back at all of my 3 mile runs over the past 4 weeks....
time: 36:21
pace: 12:07
time: 35:23
pace: 11:45
time: 31:52
pace: 10:37
time: 30:24
pace: 10:07
time: 33:25
pace: 11:04 (this was my "cramp in the side...not...gonna...make...it...run")
time: 30:15
pace: 10:05
TOOT, TOOT!!! (That's me tooting my own horn in case you were confused)
I'm supposed to cross train tomorrow.....bwahahahaha! Who am I kidding? It'll be a small miracle if I'm able to complete a cross train workout, but lord knows if it does happen I'll be sure to document it with photographic proof. Stay tuned!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
10k. BOOM.
Pow. Zap. Bing. Zip. Fwap. I......did.....it (please imagine that being said in Oprah's "you're getting something totally awesome for free" sing songy voice, mmmkay?)!!!!!!!
I am woman, here meroar.......MEOW! Come on peeps, we all know I'm still a work in progress. Do we all remember my 3 mile run from Thursday? owie. This lady had good reason to be in anxiety attack mode this morning (and all last night).
Today was the Crofton 10k and I was NeRvOuS!
I had never run 6 miles before. ever. like forever ever. like never before in my life would I even consider running more than 4 miles when I could just jump in my car and drive there ever. EVER! It was do or die today. I had to run 6 miles today per the training schedule and hey....I do what I'm told (unless of course it's a cross training day and then it's hit or miss...if I'm keepin' it real).
I was up at 6am for the run and was pacing the kitchen by 6:20am trying to figure out what to do with myself. Do I eat? Do I hydrate? What do I eat? How much should I hydrate? AHHHHH, the stress is redonkulous! My LFBIL (lightening fast brother in law...in case you forgot his nickname from the last post) suggested I eat a bagel with peanut butter, so I took his advice, although I only ate half of a mini bagel with a smidgen of pb. baby steps....I didn't want to have any "issues" at the race.....youknowwhatI'msayin'. I also decided to hydrate with a NUUN tab. Found this little gem for your water about a week ago and I'm sort of obsessed. I swear it works, it really makes you feel better before and after you run. Maybe it's mental, but the Hubs would agree that it's magic juice, so we go with it. When we got to the race I was feeling pretty good, nerves were in check (sorta) and was happy that there were enough free t-shirts to go around. Who wants to run a race and not get the free t-shirt? Not this girl, I'm in it for the t-shirt. 100%.
My friend JoAnn was running the race today too, so we all met up and were at the starting line together.
I lost LFBIL and the Hubs pretty early on in the race, but JoAnn and I were side by side, pounding the pavement together (doesn't that sound so dramatic and inspiring? yes, you say? I thought so too). We ran together until about mile 3 and then split off on our own, but it was a great 3 miles. We were in stride together and she really kept me going strong!(Big shout out to JoAnn...whoop, whoop...double thump to the chest). Oh, and did I mention that the ENTIRE course was hilly? Holy cow, it was insane how many hills, mountains, rolling hills, speed bumps, sidewalk curbs....well, you get the point. There was alot of elevation change happening. My only saving grace was that for the past 4 weeks almost all my runs have been on slightly hilly courses, so I guess it could have been worse. yes? no? Yeah, the jury's still out on that one.
Here's the million dollar photo of me coming up on the finish line and thinking "Thank you sweet baby Jesus for allowing me to survive the last 6 miles without dropping dead"....
And of course a little family shot of the Hubs, me and LFBIL after all was said and done...
As a little side note......my finishing time posted to the right of the blog is my "unofficial" time for the run. I'll let you know what it was "for reals" once they post the race results on the 10k website.
I am woman, here me
Today was the Crofton 10k and I was NeRvOuS!
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What did I get myself into? |
I was up at 6am for the run and was pacing the kitchen by 6:20am trying to figure out what to do with myself. Do I eat? Do I hydrate? What do I eat? How much should I hydrate? AHHHHH, the stress is redonkulous! My LFBIL (lightening fast brother in law...in case you forgot his nickname from the last post) suggested I eat a bagel with peanut butter, so I took his advice, although I only ate half of a mini bagel with a smidgen of pb. baby steps....I didn't want to have any "issues" at the race.....youknowwhatI'msayin'. I also decided to hydrate with a NUUN tab. Found this little gem for your water about a week ago and I'm sort of obsessed. I swear it works, it really makes you feel better before and after you run. Maybe it's mental, but the Hubs would agree that it's magic juice, so we go with it. When we got to the race I was feeling pretty good, nerves were in check (sorta) and was happy that there were enough free t-shirts to go around. Who wants to run a race and not get the free t-shirt? Not this girl, I'm in it for the t-shirt. 100%.
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got my t-shirt....ready to run! |
My friend JoAnn was running the race today too, so we all met up and were at the starting line together.
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pre-race |
I lost LFBIL and the Hubs pretty early on in the race, but JoAnn and I were side by side, pounding the pavement together (doesn't that sound so dramatic and inspiring? yes, you say? I thought so too). We ran together until about mile 3 and then split off on our own, but it was a great 3 miles. We were in stride together and she really kept me going strong!(Big shout out to JoAnn...whoop, whoop...double thump to the chest). Oh, and did I mention that the ENTIRE course was hilly? Holy cow, it was insane how many hills, mountains, rolling hills, speed bumps, sidewalk curbs....well, you get the point. There was alot of elevation change happening. My only saving grace was that for the past 4 weeks almost all my runs have been on slightly hilly courses, so I guess it could have been worse. yes? no? Yeah, the jury's still out on that one.
Here's the million dollar photo of me coming up on the finish line and thinking "Thank you sweet baby Jesus for allowing me to survive the last 6 miles without dropping dead"....
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enthusiasm! check. |
And of course a little family shot of the Hubs, me and LFBIL after all was said and done...
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so very schweaty. |
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Mrs. Quiter McQuiterson
QUIT, quit, QUIT, QUIT, quit, QUIT..........
Seriously, this was the one and only thought racing through my mind from the very start of mile 2. I got attacked by a nasty cramp in my side that would not go away. At one point I may have been running like the hunch back of Notre Dame. Yuppers, the pain was so intense I couldn't really stand up straight. Forget about it when we started running downhill. ouchy. I was a hot mess hobbling along, gasping for air and clutching my side. Are you getting the visual people? We're talking 6:30am, busy road with lots of travelers, a stint at a stoplight waiting to cross the road and did I mention I inadvertently dressed like a bumble bee for today's run? Not embarrassing at all. promise.
I was borderline turning it into a song in my head it was yelling at me so loud. Geez, I hear you thoughts....got your message....loud and clear.....go bother someone else's thoughts...no, seriously....scoot. skidaddle. beat it.
My pleading didn't work and so the unthinkable happened...dun, dun, dun...I had to STOP running. GAH! I just. couldn't. finish. BOOOO!!
Running is not awesome! Gonna move past today's speed bump on the road to becoming a runner and focus on resting up for Saturday's big ole', what the hidey ho was I thinking 10k!
Seriously, this was the one and only thought racing through my mind from the very start of mile 2. I got attacked by a nasty cramp in my side that would not go away. At one point I may have been running like the hunch back of Notre Dame. Yuppers, the pain was so intense I couldn't really stand up straight. Forget about it when we started running downhill. ouchy. I was a hot mess hobbling along, gasping for air and clutching my side. Are you getting the visual people? We're talking 6:30am, busy road with lots of travelers, a stint at a stoplight waiting to cross the road and did I mention I inadvertently dressed like a bumble bee for today's run? Not embarrassing at all. promise.
I was borderline turning it into a song in my head it was yelling at me so loud. Geez, I hear you thoughts....got your message....loud and clear.....go bother someone else's thoughts...no, seriously....scoot. skidaddle. beat it.
My pleading didn't work and so the unthinkable happened...dun, dun, dun...I had to STOP running. GAH! I just. couldn't. finish. BOOOO!!
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dramatic reenactment |
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buzzzzzzzzzzzz |
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Chasin' the Pace
Or dare I say....."chasin' the PACER"?
I'm fairly certain that the Hubs was trying to kill me this morning on our 3 mile run. No, honestly, he WAS....I'm sure of it...would I lie to you? Apparently, he was trying to get me a new personal record and forgot to let me in on his little secret. I know I've mentioned it before, but let me refresh for any newbies to my blog.......
This is my official "pace setter", the Hubs
I'll admit that I may have mentioned to him this morning that perhaps we pick up our pace just a itty bitty, teeny tiny, wittle ole' bit. Big mistake.....HUGE....Open mouth, insert foot. Here's what our run looked like this morning
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 30:24
Ave pace: 10:08
mile 1: 9:42
mile 2: 10:20
mile 3: 10:22
tunes: Mumford and Sons (because I know you are all dying to know what I run too, duh)
Here's what I looked like this morning...
This was FAST for me people! We're talking new PR, soooooo....... I guess it was "mission accomplished" for my Hubs, although I'm still sitting firmly in the bitter barn. You know when you have that dream that you're running and no matter how fast you try and go you can't catch what you're chasing??? THAT WAS ME THIS MORNING! No matter how hard I pushed to try and catch the Hubs, it wasn't working. My legs felt like bricks and I couldn't seem to fall into a stride, so frustrating. Especially after such an amazing run on Friday where I felt like a champion (yup, "champion"...I said it...moving on). This is gonna sound ca-razy, but the only times during the run when I could "catch" the Hubs was uphill, strange I know. He would take off on any downhill sections and then go warp speed on the even flat parts, so when he slowed a bit on the hills I was able to pick up a bit of speed to close the gap. Now, I'm sure in a rational persons mind he was just trying to set a quick pace and get me moving, working harder, yadee yadee ya....but HELLOOOO people, mommy no likey. Not after my 3 day workout free weekend that involved wine, desserts and loungin by the pool. Guess I learned my lesson about taking time off and over indulging, right? maybe.
Oh, and before I go, you should know that I've signed myself up for the Crofton 10k this Saturday since I would be running 6 miles anywho, per the training schedule. I'll be running with the Hubs and my lightening fast Brother in Law. Seriously, homeboy can r-u-n....it's like he's running for his life fast.....someone is chasing him with a machete fast....you win a million dollars if you finish first FAST! He's humble and tries to act like he's a slow poke, but he's not fooling me. I'll be eating his dust on Saturday and probably the Hubs dust too, but I'm just in it to finish. for reals. Here's a pic of my LFBIL(lightening-fast-brother-in-law...stay with me peeps) at his MARATHON last year....
Can't wait to run in a race that gets me a free tin foil blanket when I'm done! Soon enough ;)
I'm fairly certain that the Hubs was trying to kill me this morning on our 3 mile run. No, honestly, he WAS....I'm sure of it...would I lie to you? Apparently, he was trying to get me a new personal record and forgot to let me in on his little secret. I know I've mentioned it before, but let me refresh for any newbies to my blog.......
This is my official "pace setter", the Hubs
such a zest for running (note sarcasm) |
I'll admit that I may have mentioned to him this morning that perhaps we pick up our pace just a itty bitty, teeny tiny, wittle ole' bit. Big mistake.....HUGE....Open mouth, insert foot. Here's what our run looked like this morning
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 30:24
Ave pace: 10:08
mile 1: 9:42
mile 2: 10:20
mile 3: 10:22
tunes: Mumford and Sons (because I know you are all dying to know what I run too, duh)
Here's what I looked like this morning...
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d-e-a-d |
This was FAST for me people! We're talking new PR, soooooo....... I guess it was "mission accomplished" for my Hubs, although I'm still sitting firmly in the bitter barn. You know when you have that dream that you're running and no matter how fast you try and go you can't catch what you're chasing??? THAT WAS ME THIS MORNING! No matter how hard I pushed to try and catch the Hubs, it wasn't working. My legs felt like bricks and I couldn't seem to fall into a stride, so frustrating. Especially after such an amazing run on Friday where I felt like a champion (yup, "champion"...I said it...moving on). This is gonna sound ca-razy, but the only times during the run when I could "catch" the Hubs was uphill, strange I know. He would take off on any downhill sections and then go warp speed on the even flat parts, so when he slowed a bit on the hills I was able to pick up a bit of speed to close the gap. Now, I'm sure in a rational persons mind he was just trying to set a quick pace and get me moving, working harder, yadee yadee ya....but HELLOOOO people, mommy no likey. Not after my 3 day workout free weekend that involved wine, desserts and loungin by the pool. Guess I learned my lesson about taking time off and over indulging, right? maybe.
Oh, and before I go, you should know that I've signed myself up for the Crofton 10k this Saturday since I would be running 6 miles anywho, per the training schedule. I'll be running with the Hubs and my lightening fast Brother in Law. Seriously, homeboy can r-u-n....it's like he's running for his life fast.....someone is chasing him with a machete fast....you win a million dollars if you finish first FAST! He's humble and tries to act like he's a slow poke, but he's not fooling me. I'll be eating his dust on Saturday and probably the Hubs dust too, but I'm just in it to finish. for reals. Here's a pic of my LFBIL(lightening-fast-brother-in-law...stay with me peeps) at his MARATHON last year....
LFBIL and my Big Seester |
Can't wait to run in a race that gets me a free tin foil blanket when I'm done! Soon enough ;)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Cross Training
So, today was supposed to be either an easy 30min run or 30mins of cross training. Let's just say it didn't happen, okay people. I mean I could sit here for days coming up with all myexcuses reasons for not completing the task at hand. Lord knows that my run on Tuesday will probably hurt like whoa since I did virtually nothing athletic all weekend long, but hey.....such is life. My motto with running is "it's a marathon, not a sprint" so that being said, I'm just pacing myself....taking some time.....resting up for the big run on tuesday.....HA! Who am I kidding? I had that amazing run on Friday and have since rewarded myself with a night out with friends, heavy drinking, another night "in" with friends, followed by more socially appropriate drinking, an end of the year soccer game for the Dude, a trip to Wendy's (are you kidding me?), a pooptastic trip to the playground thanks to my Missy Muffin 2yr old who has the ability to hold.. it.. forever... until the absolute most inopportune time......so, needless to say, the workout didn't happen. However, since you better "go big or go home", this is how I'm choosing to wrap up my Sunday night...........
So, today was supposed to be either an easy 30min run or 30mins of cross training. Let's just say it didn't happen, okay people. I mean I could sit here for days coming up with all my
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Don't judge. |
Saturday, June 4, 2011
5 Miles Per Hour
I had the most AH-MAZING run yesterday morning!!! I not only survived running 5 miles, but I swear on my life I could have kept going (for reals. pinky swear. cross my heart.). My day started a little something like this....
6am - Alarm goes off and I shoot out of bed with extreme anxiety about this 5 miler and decide 15 more minutes of sleep will help calm my nerves
6:15am- damn alarm goes off again and I'm forced to face the beast
6:20am- time to find the perfect outfit (don't judge) I need all the running gods to be on my side and
everything about this run must be set up for success. Who wants to run with a wedgie for 5miles (just sayin')
6:30am- drag my pace setter (aka, the hubs) out of bed and throw coffee at him. Who drinks coffee RIGHT before a run you say? This guy......
not exactly a morning person
7am- time to begin my longest run to date! I could have peed my pants I was so nervous, but I am determined to run the entire 5 miles!
nervous much?
7:55am- run is complete and I feel amazing!! we're talkin' "fist pump" amazing..... "who am I and what the hell happened to the real me" amazing! Can you believe it? It's a miracle! Here's a pic of me right after the run...
The Hubs told me to look dramatic and tired, but I couldn't cause I was on cloud nine! I had just survived a run that I was convinced was gonna kill me......YAHOOOO! Here's the Hubs....being all dramatic and what not
Here's the breakdown of our run ....
Distance: 5 miles
Average Pace: 11:07
mile 1 - 10:59
mile 2 - 11:18 (I think I slowed down because I knew mile 3 was uphill...energy conservation people)
mile 3 - 11:06
mile 4 - 11:03
mile 5 - 11:11
Calories burned: 799 (um...yes please)
Overall, I was happy with my times, but for me it's more about distance. I want to show up to the starting line in November with 100% certainty that I will run the entire race without needing to stop. Maybe as my running gets better I'll change my tune and speed will become more of a factor, but for now it's just about finishing. I should also mention that the weather was GORGEOUS for our run. After training for the past 3 weeks in 90+ degree heat, it was such a blessing to walk outside and have it be a brisk 65. I'm hoping that this is the weather I can expect in Savannah, GA for the big race!
My next run/cross train is Sunday, so stay tuned ;)
6am - Alarm goes off and I shoot out of bed with extreme anxiety about this 5 miler and decide 15 more minutes of sleep will help calm my nerves
6:15am- damn alarm goes off again and I'm forced to face the beast
6:20am- time to find the perfect outfit (don't judge) I need all the running gods to be on my side and
everything about this run must be set up for success. Who wants to run with a wedgie for 5miles (just sayin')
6:30am- drag my pace setter (aka, the hubs) out of bed and throw coffee at him. Who drinks coffee RIGHT before a run you say? This guy......
not exactly a morning person
7am- time to begin my longest run to date! I could have peed my pants I was so nervous, but I am determined to run the entire 5 miles!
nervous much?
7:55am- run is complete and I feel amazing!! we're talkin' "fist pump" amazing..... "who am I and what the hell happened to the real me" amazing! Can you believe it? It's a miracle! Here's a pic of me right after the run...
The Hubs told me to look dramatic and tired, but I couldn't cause I was on cloud nine! I had just survived a run that I was convinced was gonna kill me......YAHOOOO! Here's the Hubs....being all dramatic and what not
Here's the breakdown of our run ....
Distance: 5 miles
Average Pace: 11:07
mile 1 - 10:59
mile 2 - 11:18 (I think I slowed down because I knew mile 3 was uphill...energy conservation people)
mile 3 - 11:06
mile 4 - 11:03
mile 5 - 11:11
Calories burned: 799 (um...yes please)
Overall, I was happy with my times, but for me it's more about distance. I want to show up to the starting line in November with 100% certainty that I will run the entire race without needing to stop. Maybe as my running gets better I'll change my tune and speed will become more of a factor, but for now it's just about finishing. I should also mention that the weather was GORGEOUS for our run. After training for the past 3 weeks in 90+ degree heat, it was such a blessing to walk outside and have it be a brisk 65. I'm hoping that this is the weather I can expect in Savannah, GA for the big race!
My next run/cross train is Sunday, so stay tuned ;)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
slow, slower, slowest
Yup, that about sums up how my running began...sloooooow. We're talking snail pace, it was sad. My first 2 miles out of the gate was a whopping 11:45min pace......yowza! I mean, I certainly wasn't expecting to set any records on our first run, but geez, that was embarrassing. Little did I know that a few short days later I would set a new personal slowest record of a 12min pace on a 2.5mile run....yay, me!
Don't worry peeps, I didn't let it hinder my new found enthusiasm for running! I know that I can only get better from here, and guess what.....I have!! Not to toot my own horn, but I ran 3miles on Wed. at a 10:30 pace!
Tomorrow will be my longest run to date, 5 miles. My guess is that it won't be pretty, but hopefully I'll survive. I'll let you know ;)
Don't worry peeps, I didn't let it hinder my new found enthusiasm for running! I know that I can only get better from here, and guess what.....I have!! Not to toot my own horn, but I ran 3miles on Wed. at a 10:30 pace!
Tomorrow will be my longest run to date, 5 miles. My guess is that it won't be pretty, but hopefully I'll survive. I'll let you know ;)
Training for a Half
I'm officially registered for the Rock n' Roll 1/2 marathon in November! It was fate that brought us together ;) I had literally been talking to myself all week about how I would LOVE to accomplish a 1/2 marathon and then.....BAM! My great friend Tracy called me and said we should sign up and run a 1/2....say whaaaat?? YES, please. I would love to pay a ton of money for a hotel room, travel expenses and registrations fees so that I can suffer through 13miles of agony!! And so, my journey begins!
Here's my training plan for the 1/2. I'm actually gonna finish my training almost 2mths before the race, so I plan on working on my pace time once I reach my goal of being able to actually run 13miles.
Here's my training plan for the 1/2. I'm actually gonna finish my training almost 2mths before the race, so I plan on working on my pace time once I reach my goal of being able to actually run 13miles.
Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1Stretch &
Strengthen 3 m run 2 m run or cross 3 m run +
strength Rest 30 min
cross 4 m run 2 Stretch &
Strengthen 3 m run 2 m run or cross 3 m run +
strength Rest 30 min
cross 4 m run 3 Stretch &
Strengthen 3.5 m run 2 m run or cross 3.5 m run +
strength Rest 40 min
cross 5 m run 4 Stretch &
Strengthen 3.5 m run 2 m run or cross 3.5 m run +
strength Rest 40 min
cross 5 m run 5 Stretch &
Strengthen 4 m run 2 m run or cross 4 m run +
strength Rest 40 min
cross 6 m run 6 Stretch &
Strengthen 4 m run 2 m run or cross 4 m run +
strength Rest or easy run Rest 5-K Race 7 Stretch &
Strengthen 4.5 m run 3 m run or cross 4.5 m run +
strength Rest 50 min
cross 7 m run 8 Stretch &
Strengthen 4.5 m run 3 m run or cross 4.5 m run +
strength Rest 50 min
cross 8 m run 9 Stretch &
Strengthen 5 m run 3 m run or cross 5 m run +
strength Rest or easy run Rest 10-K Race 10 Stretch &
Strengthen 5 m run 3 m run or cross 5 m run +
strength Rest 60 min cross 9 m run 11 Stretch &
Strengthen 5 m run 3 m run or cross 5 m run +
strength Rest 60 min cross 10 m run 12 Stretch &
Strengthen 4 m run 3 m run or cross 2 m run Rest Rest Half Marathon
I have a dream....
I want to be a RUNNER!!! There, I said it.
I want to be one of those gals with the "runner girl" bumper sticker on her car, or maybe even the "13.1" bumper sticker (swoon). I want to learn to love running and be able to use it as a way to decompress after a long day and let's not forget another fun thing about running.....staying fit! Who doesn't want runners legs?
I've tried and failed many times in my life to become this "runner girl" that I dream about, but I have to say that this time it seems like it's gonna stick! Here's why I think this time is different....
1. I've birthed 2 kiddos, so pain is gain (right?)
2. I've finally lost ALL my baby weight and would like to keep it that way (nevermind that my youngest is almost 3yrs)
3. I've actually had a few runs where I thought to myself "wow self, this feels great"
4. My friend got me all signed up for a 1/2marathon in November and it cost a small fortune, so no turning back!!
So, here goes nothing!
I want to be one of those gals with the "runner girl" bumper sticker on her car, or maybe even the "13.1" bumper sticker (swoon). I want to learn to love running and be able to use it as a way to decompress after a long day and let's not forget another fun thing about running.....staying fit! Who doesn't want runners legs?
I've tried and failed many times in my life to become this "runner girl" that I dream about, but I have to say that this time it seems like it's gonna stick! Here's why I think this time is different....
1. I've birthed 2 kiddos, so pain is gain (right?)
2. I've finally lost ALL my baby weight and would like to keep it that way (nevermind that my youngest is almost 3yrs)
3. I've actually had a few runs where I thought to myself "wow self, this feels great"
4. My friend got me all signed up for a 1/2marathon in November and it cost a small fortune, so no turning back!!
So, here goes nothing!
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