Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Flying Solo

Yes, today was a cross training day.  No, I didn't cross train.  Anybody out there surprised?  Didn't think so. 

Don't worry peeps, I didn't 100% flake on the training schedule.  I decided to run a 3 miler tonight...all by myself.  My first official run by my lonesome.  I was even forced to bring my phone so that I could use the "runkeeper" app to track my distance and time.  I really need one of those fancy Garmin GPS watch thingys.  It would change my life.....I'm sure of it.  Did I mention that I carry my ipod in my hand too?  I can hear your whispers..."wait....she does what???  poor girl, someone needs to show her the way".  I hear ya people and I'm working on upping my running gear game.  I have a laundry list of things that I need in my life that I just know will make running more bearable enjoyable.

Okay, I'm getting side tracked.  I plan on dedicating a whole post to all the fun, wonderful, magical running items that I feel I need in my life, but more on that later.   Let's get down to business...the real reason I am so excited to be blogging tonight. 

Drum roll please...........


This is HUGE friends!  Do we remember that 5 weeks ago I was running a 12min pace and tonight I ran a 9:45....YAHOOOWEEEEE!  Now, I know that I said it wasn't about the time, it was about finishing.  I still feel the same way....about my long runs.  I kinda feel like I've waged a war with the 3 miler and I'm determined to run it faster...each and every time.

Is it possible?  Could I one day catch the LFBIL in a 5k race???  Maybe?  Watch your back LFBIL......MUAHAHAHAHAHA (that's my evil laugh) 

Here's how I rewarded myself after my run....

Don't go getting your panties in a bundle.....I drank a bottle of water with a nuun tab before I hit the bottle ;)


Brendan said...

that's just not going to happen

Caree said...

awesome run!! I am super jealous! I ran slower last night because of the 95 degree temp! I feel like I am going backwards!

EnlightenMe said...

Hey, I saw your blog on's facebook page.
Anyways, that's awesome timing for 3 miles. :) Good job!!


Brad M said...

That is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations. Keep up the good work.