Saturday, June 4, 2011

5 Miles Per Hour

I had the most AH-MAZING run yesterday morning!!!  I not only survived running 5 miles, but I swear on my life I could have kept going (for reals. pinky swear. cross my heart.).  My day started a little something like this....

6am - Alarm goes off and I shoot out of bed with extreme anxiety about this 5 miler and decide 15 more minutes of sleep will help calm my nerves

6:15am- damn alarm goes off again and I'm forced to face the beast

6:20am- time to find the perfect outfit (don't judge) I need all the running gods to be on my side and
everything about this run must be set up for success. Who wants to run with a wedgie for 5miles (just sayin')

6:30am- drag my pace setter (aka, the hubs) out of bed and throw coffee at him.  Who drinks coffee RIGHT before a run you say?  This guy......
                                                       not exactly a morning person

7am- time to begin my longest run to date! I could have peed my pants I was so nervous, but I am determined to run the entire 5 miles!

                                                                     nervous much?

7:55am- run is complete and I feel amazing!!  we're talkin' "fist pump" amazing..... "who am I and what the hell happened to the real me" amazing!  Can you believe it?  It's a miracle!  Here's a pic of me right after the run...

The Hubs told me to look dramatic and tired, but I couldn't cause I was on cloud nine!  I had just survived a run that I was convinced was gonna kill me......YAHOOOO!  Here's the Hubs....being all dramatic and what not

Here's the breakdown of our run ....
Distance: 5 miles
Average Pace: 11:07
     mile 1 - 10:59
     mile 2 - 11:18 (I think I slowed down because I knew mile 3 was conservation people)
     mile 3 - 11:06
     mile 4 - 11:03
     mile 5 - 11:11
Calories burned: 799 (um...yes please)

Overall, I was happy with my times, but for me it's more about distance.  I want to show up to the starting line in November with 100% certainty that I will run the entire race without needing to stop.  Maybe as my running gets better I'll change my tune and speed will become more of a factor, but for now it's just about finishing.  I should also mention that the weather was GORGEOUS for our run.  After training for the past 3 weeks in 90+ degree heat, it was such a blessing to walk outside and have it be a brisk 65.  I'm hoping that this is the weather I can expect in Savannah, GA for the big race! 

My next run/cross train is Sunday, so stay tuned ;)


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