Friday, June 17, 2011

mile 7.

Hi friends!  I'm going all high tech and blogging from my phone.....I'm so fancy.  We're on our way to the beach for the weekend with some fab friends, but I just couldn't wait till Monday to tell you about my run this morning!

Who ran 7 miles this morning? Who woke up at 5am to squeeze in said run?  Who then wrangled 2 hyper excited children into clothes, pack suitcase, pack snacks, shower, look presentable , load up the car and not forget one. single. thing.....all before 8:3am? This girl, that's who!

The run itself felt really good.  I was at about an 11min pace which was really comfy for me and I had no desire to push past comfort.  I would say that hardest part of the run was all the hills......GRRRRRR! I know that training on such hilly courses will help me in the long run, but can a girl get a nice flat stretch of road for longer than a quarter mile?? no? damn.


caree said...

whoohoo!! I am super jealous you can get outta bed at 5am to accomplish a long run!!! I just can't seem to do it!! you rock!

Setherson said...

You conquer that run Mama Nasty! Lol, running has never been my favorite, but, just ask Josh, the secret to a good 7 mile run is a Butterfinger and a cigarette. Rotflmfao... oh, how I miss my Nasty's ;)

Anonymous said...

That is awesome. You are super mom doing that at 5am. Way to go.