Saturday, June 11, 2011

10k. BOOM.

Pow. Zap. Bing. Zip. (please imagine that being said in Oprah's "you're getting something totally awesome for free" sing songy voice, mmmkay?)!!!!!!!

I am woman, here me roar.......MEOW!  Come on peeps, we all know I'm still a work in progress.  Do we all remember my 3 mile run from Thursday?  owie.  This lady had good reason to be in anxiety attack mode this morning (and all last night).

Today was the Crofton 10k and I was NeRvOuS!
What did I get myself into?
I had never run 6 miles before. ever. like forever ever. like never before in my life would I even consider running more than 4 miles when I could just jump in my car and drive there ever. EVER!  It was do or die today.  I had to run 6 miles today per the training schedule and hey....I do what I'm told (unless of course it's a cross training day and then it's hit or miss...if I'm keepin' it real).

I was up at 6am for the run and was pacing the kitchen by 6:20am trying to figure out what to do with myself.  Do I eat?  Do I hydrate?  What do I eat?  How much should I hydrate?  AHHHHH, the stress is redonkulous!  My LFBIL (lightening fast brother in case you forgot his nickname from the last post) suggested I eat a bagel with peanut butter, so I took his advice, although I only ate half of a mini bagel with a smidgen of pb. baby steps....I didn't want to have any "issues" at the race.....youknowwhatI'msayin'.  I also decided to hydrate with a NUUN tab.  Found this little gem for your water about a week ago and I'm sort of obsessed.  I swear it works, it really makes you feel better before and after you run.  Maybe it's mental, but the Hubs would agree that it's magic juice, so we go with it.  When we got to the race I was feeling pretty good, nerves were in check (sorta) and was happy that there were enough free t-shirts to go around.  Who wants to run a race and not get the free t-shirt?  Not this girl, I'm in it for the t-shirt. 100%.
got my t-shirt....ready to run!

My friend JoAnn was running the race today too, so we all met up and were at the starting line together. 

I lost LFBIL and the Hubs pretty early on in the race, but JoAnn and I were side by side, pounding the pavement together (doesn't that sound so dramatic and inspiring? yes, you say? I thought so too).  We ran together until about mile 3 and then split off on our own, but it was a great 3 miles.  We were in stride together and she really kept me going strong!(Big shout out to JoAnn...whoop, whoop...double thump to the chest).  Oh, and did I mention that the ENTIRE course was hilly?  Holy cow, it was insane how many hills, mountains, rolling hills, speed bumps, sidewalk curbs....well, you get the point.  There was alot of elevation change happening.  My only saving grace was that for the past 4 weeks almost all my runs have been on slightly hilly courses, so I guess it could have been worse.  yes? no? Yeah, the jury's still out on that one.

Here's the million dollar photo of me coming up on the finish line and thinking "Thank you sweet baby Jesus for allowing me to survive the last 6 miles without dropping dead"....
enthusiasm! check.

And of course a little family shot of the Hubs, me and LFBIL after all was said and done...
so very schweaty.  
As a little side finishing time posted to the right of the blog is my "unofficial" time for the run.  I'll let you know what it was "for reals" once they post the race results on the 10k website. 


Anonymous said...

Amazing job!!! So proud of the running members of the family!!!

Luanne said...

Wow Lori, great job! When all is said and done, if further Marathons aren't in your future, you could take up writing! Love ya!

Unknown said...

Congrats Lori! I also would like to say that I love Brendan's nickname you have given him and laugh out loud every time I read it/picture him running lightening fast

Amanda Hoffman said...

I am uber impressed. 10 miles! That's incredible!!!!