Thursday, June 2, 2011

I have a dream....

I want to be a RUNNER!!! There, I said it.

I want to be one of those gals with the "runner girl" bumper sticker on her car, or maybe even the "13.1" bumper sticker (swoon). I want to learn to love running and be able to use it as a way to decompress after a long day and let's not forget another fun thing about running.....staying fit! Who doesn't want runners legs?

I've tried and failed many times in my life to become this "runner girl" that I dream about, but I have to say that this time it seems like it's gonna stick! Here's why I think this time is different....

1. I've birthed 2 kiddos, so pain is gain (right?)
2. I've finally lost ALL my baby weight and would like to keep it that way (nevermind that my youngest is almost 3yrs)
3. I've actually had a few runs where I thought to myself "wow self, this feels great"
4. My friend got me all signed up for a 1/2marathon in November and it cost a small fortune, so no turning back!!

So, here goes nothing!

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