Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Tuesdays are not my friend.  Lemme explain...

1. Tuesday is trash day in my neighborhood...stinky poo poo when it's hot and humid and you're on a run

2. Sundays cross train workout never happens (shocker, right?), so I'm coming off a 2 day workout hiatus...no bueno

3.  After my Saturday long run, I always seem to eat and drink my way through the weekend (duh, I totally deserve a reward after running 8 miles) leaving me sluggish by Tuesday...bleh

4. The fear in knowing that this "short" little run is only a warm-up to the big kahuna run coming my way on Saturday (9 miles people. 9 MILES.......eeeck!)

See why I don't fully embrace Tuesdays?  You probably wouldn't either, just sayin'.

Oh, and I think my "Pacer", the Hubs, has officially become "that guy that just so happens to always be running when I am, but he's way out ahead of me on his own program" guy.  While I admit that I totally understand his need for speed, I will never admit that I may have been the one to give him the "go ahead" to leave me in his dust.  What the......?  I was in the bitter barn after our run this morning. for reals.  It was a "good, not great" kinda run for me this morning, so to have the Hubs "running his half off" way up ahead of me basically put me over the edge.  I'm cool now...I'm prepared to whoop his arse on Saturdays long run....muahahahahaha!!!  LOVE YOU HUBS xoxo (watch your back)

Almost forgot....I had a quick trip back to Charm City Run to pick up some Sport Beans for my long run this Saturday!  I'm hoping they are less "vomit inducing" than the  GU gels (eeewwwww)!  Stay tuned!

What do you use to stay hydrated and fueled on long runs?

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