Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What Goes Up

What goes UP, must come down (we're talking about my runner's high, peeps)

Today kicked my badunkadunk.

I mean really, really, really put a hurtin' on me...and my ego.  It was sad, UGH!  From the moment I took the first step on my run, right up until the very last moment, I was in P-A-I-N. (On a super exciting side note: if you notice my dailymile tracker to the right, you'll see that I finally ran a sub 10 pace....YAHOO!)  Now back to the pain part......

Let me first start out by saying that I wasn't mentally prepared for my run this morning.  We had spent a glorious weekend at the beach and it's safe to say that I ate my weight in food daily and indulged in a variety of adult beverages without doing one ounce of exercise.  We're talking zip, zero, zilch, nada!  Whoopsie, guess that might make for a painful run today, right? RIGHT!!  Soooo right!!  Scream it from the mountain tops.....RIGHT!!  I'm so mad at myself.  Seriously, it's annoying.  I've vowed to never go 3 days without some form of exercise ever again (unless of course we're back at the beach with friends having a blast....I'm only human).  Okay, I'm getting off track.  Back to the run....

Mile 1 was unpleasant.  I knew it was gonna be bad as soon as I started running, but I just kept telling myself to slow down, take my time and fall in to stride.  Um, yeah...that didn't happen.  

Mile 2 was a disaster.  I had given the Hubs the go ahead the night before to leave me in his dust during our runs if he was feeling really good and so.....yup, I got left in his dust...curse him!!  Okay, don't curse him.....but seriously, I was in the bitter barn for a hot second about not being able to even keep him in my line of sight.  I tried to reassure myself that it was better this way.  I could run at my own pace and not feel pressured to keep up, but my mind wasn't right today, so it had the opposite effect.  I couldn't shake the feeling of defeat and wanting to give up. 

Mile 3 almost brought me to tears.  No, really, I almost cried.  I was that pathetic. Am I really capable of running a half marathon when I can't even knock out 4 miles?  I was my own worst enemy by this point in the run.  In my defense, I really need to redo my ipod so that when I'm suffering through agonizing pain and feeling as if I'm gonna drop into a pile of mush on the side of the road, a sad, lonely, heartbreaking John Mayer song doesn't come on and send me over the edge.  It's really not fair. 

Mile 4 brought a quick sprint and some speed walking.  You see, the Hubs had stopped to make sure I was still alive, so when I rounded the corner and saw him, I naturally thought the run was over and gave it all I had left and sprinted to the finish.  Only problem....it wasn't the finish, it was just the Hubs making sure he still had a wife...sweet, I have to run some more.  Awesome sauce.  The last half mile forced me to do a wee bit of speed walking, but hey....I survived and I'm sure it won't be the last time I have a horrid run!

Say a prayer for me that my 4 miler on Thursday is more kind to me!

1 comment:

caree said...

it is so crazy how many "bad" runs there are than "good" runs. But for some reason those good runs make you push through those bad runs. I finally woke up early to run this morning since I can't run in the afternoon/evening here in TX and it felt great but my pace was still a bit slacking...not sure what was up with it unless I am just not used to running at 5:30 in the morning and was still trying to wake up! I wish I had my hubby as a running partner! how do you do it with two kiddos?