Thursday, June 2, 2011

slow, slower, slowest

Yup, that about sums up how my running began...sloooooow. We're talking snail pace, it was sad. My first 2 miles out of the gate was a whopping 11:45min pace......yowza! I mean, I certainly wasn't expecting to set any records on our first run, but geez, that was embarrassing. Little did I know that a few short days later I would set a new personal slowest record of a 12min pace on a 2.5mile run....yay, me!

Don't worry peeps, I didn't let it hinder my new found enthusiasm for running! I know that I can only get better from here, and guess what.....I have!! Not to toot my own horn, but I ran 3miles on Wed. at a 10:30 pace!

Tomorrow will be my longest run to date, 5 miles. My guess is that it won't be pretty, but hopefully I'll survive. I'll let you know ;)

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