Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chasin' the Pace

Or dare I say....."chasin' the PACER"?

I'm fairly certain that the Hubs was trying to kill me this morning on our 3 mile run.  No, honestly, he WAS....I'm sure of it...would I lie to you?  Apparently, he was trying to get me a new personal record and forgot to let me in on his little secret.  I know I've mentioned it before, but let me refresh for any newbies to my blog.......

This is my official "pace setter", the Hubs
such a zest for running (note sarcasm)

I'll admit that I may have mentioned to him this morning that perhaps we pick up our pace just a itty bitty, teeny tiny, wittle ole' bit.  Big mistake.....HUGE....Open mouth, insert foot.  Here's what our run looked like this morning

Distance: 3 miles
Time: 30:24
Ave pace: 10:08
mile 1: 9:42
mile 2: 10:20
mile 3: 10:22
tunes: Mumford and Sons (because I know you are all dying to know what I run too, duh)

Here's what I looked like this morning...

This was FAST for me people!  We're talking new PR, soooooo....... I guess it was "mission accomplished" for my Hubs, although I'm still sitting firmly in the bitter barn.  You know when you have that dream that you're running and no matter how fast you try and go you can't catch what you're chasing???  THAT WAS ME THIS MORNING!  No matter how hard I pushed to try and catch the Hubs, it wasn't working.  My legs felt like bricks and I couldn't seem to fall into a stride, so frustrating.  Especially after such an amazing run on Friday where I felt like a champion (yup, "champion"...I said it...moving on).  This is gonna sound ca-razy, but the only times during the run when I could "catch" the Hubs was uphill, strange I know.  He would take off on any downhill sections and then go warp speed on the even flat parts, so when he slowed a bit on the hills I was able to pick up a bit of speed to close the gap.  Now, I'm sure in a rational persons mind he was just trying to set a quick pace and get me moving, working harder, yadee yadee ya....but HELLOOOO people, mommy no likey.  Not after my 3 day workout free weekend that involved wine, desserts and loungin by the pool.  Guess I learned my lesson about taking time off and over indulging, right?  maybe.

Oh, and before I go, you should know that I've signed myself up for the Crofton 10k this Saturday since I would be running 6 miles anywho, per the training schedule.  I'll be running with the Hubs and my lightening fast Brother in Law.  Seriously, homeboy can r-u-n....it's like he's running for his life fast.....someone is chasing him with a machete fast....you win a million dollars if you finish first FAST!  He's humble and tries to act like he's a slow poke, but he's not fooling me.  I'll be eating his dust on Saturday and probably the Hubs dust too, but I'm just in it to finish. for reals. Here's a pic of my LFBIL(lightening-fast-brother-in-law...stay with me peeps) at his MARATHON  last year....
LFBIL and my Big Seester

Can't wait to run in a race that gets me a free tin foil blanket when I'm done!  Soon enough ;)


patriCk Dea said...

I love me sum Mumf & Sons~ Keep it UP

Stephanie Coffman said...

Awesome Lori! Keep it up. I have faith that you too will soon be wearing a tin foil blanket! lol
PS - I'm sure it was "hubs" mission to not let you ever reach him ; ) Runnn Lori Runnnn (in my Jenny voice from Forest Gump)

Burney said...

Who needs the comedy channel?

Caree said...

awesome run Lori!! Faster running partners are the best!! I wish I had one!

Amanda Hoffman said...

Mumford and Sons!? Girl you need to pick up the tempo. Try some old school Jenny from the block!

Lori said...

Amanda- you are killing me, haha! pick up the pace? I was already dying, lol!!

Unknown said...

Lori! You are a hilarious writer, I literally just laughed out loud at work (slightly embarrassing?) but keep up the good work! I only wish I could commit to what you're doing, haha

Amanda Hoffman said...

No No, pick up the TEMPO, not the pace. Faster, good beat music will put a little pep in your step. Works for me at least.