Friday, June 24, 2011

Kickin' it

Mama got a new pair of shoes!  YEEE HAW!  I am officially official in the running shoe department.  No more running in shoes that I bought because I like the colors and they were on sale. No, no my friends, this is serious business.  My new shoes are for function, as in you don't even get to pick the color or brand...they tell you what to buy and you listen, because they are "runners" and you are just a work in progress. period. the end.

I've been dreaming about taking a trip to Charm City Run in Annapolis for about the last 4 weeks and the Hubs finally agreed that it was the right time to get some new kicks.  Say no more, I'm there!  This place is A-MAZING.  First off it's 100% a running store, so as far as I'm concerned they can be the boss of me.  They literally take all the guess work out of finding the perfect shoe.  Here's the rundown of how they work their shoe magic....

step 1- measure my tootsies to determine the correct size of my ginormeous petite feet

step 2- watch me walk barefoot and evaluate my arch (sooo fancy)

step 3- bring me out 3 options to try and send me to the treadmill (yes, treadmill) to video record my feet while I run in said shoe (told you....super fancy, it's how I roll)

step 4- fall in love with the 2nd pair I try on, take em' for a spin on the ole' mill (short for treadmill, cause we're close like that) and then bounce around the store in new shoes like I'm walking on clouds

I should warn you that step 5 is where I geek out in the running store....

step 5- ask about how to stay hydrated and "fueled" while running long distances and end up drooling over fuel belts that are really just glorified fanny packs (so lame, but so functional, but seriously. super lame).  That being said......I totally bought one, ha!

Hold on to your hat folks, cause you're about to see all of my new awesomeness........


And because I know you're all dying to know the exact details of those amazing purchases you see above.  Here's the low down...

Shoes:  Brooks Glycerin 9
Fuel Belt: Nathan Speed 2
Energy Gels: GU (banana-strawberry, vanilla bean, choc outrage, espresso love)

Not so sure about how the GU's will go over, but I'm testing them out tomorrow and rest assured that I'll give you a report.  Not gonna lie, kinda grossed out about eating anything called "gu", that is reportedly the texture of icing, when I'm running. icky. 

And in case you wanted to see my new best friends again....

I'm in luurve
Don't worry, the Hubs got some new kick's too
it's like a happy little new shoe love affair
Well, I'm off to la la land since I have to get up at o' dark thirty tomorrow morning to run 8 miles. Don't be jealous :)

1 comment:

Amanda Hoffman said...

What everyone REALLY wants to know...what was the damage!?