Thursday, June 30, 2011

Man Down!

Houston, we have a problem.

The Hubs is unofficially on the injured list.  Ruh Ro.

We have a self diagnosed stress fracture on our hands.  How do I know this, you ask?  WebMD, silly. Isn't that where you go for all your sound medical advice?  Thought so.  Perhaps it was the Hubs new running shoes that have betrayed him?  Or maybe its just all those years in SpecWar catching up with the ole' guy.  He's no spring chicken you know?  Regardless of all that, dude is O-U-T of the running game for a few weeks.


What am I going to do without my partner? my buddy? the Hubs? the official pacer of "Team McClelland"? ACK!  I'm in a panic I tell ya.  My 3 mile run this morning just wasn't the same.*tear*sniff*

This is gonna be a true test of my dedication to power through all by my lonesome.  YOWZ.  Don't worry though, peeps.  I've come WAY too far to wuss out now! 

p.s.- tomorrow is the big 9-miler, wish me luck!!  I've recruited the LFBIL to run with me and he's assured me that he won't leave me in his dust...we shall see


stephanie coffman said...

You can do this! Don't give up! Hope Josh is up and at 'em soon.

Luanne said...

Awwwww....poor Josh. Doesn't anyone own a bike that he could pace you while you ran, that wouldn't put any pressure on the stress would it???? Not that I don't think he should stay off it and take care, just sayin! Or hey, you've got all those fancy strollers, slap his butt in one and push! Love ya both!

Anonymous said...

Since you don't really have a pacer anymore, you could find music that's beat is at the pace you are at and run to that. They have websites for it these days. You just type in what your min/mil time is and they will send you a list of songs that have that beat. You just download to your I-pod playlist and run to the beat of the song. Viola!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Sorry about the hubby. But you'll do fine. I have only been following your blog for about a week but you have tons of motivation! You can do this!

Maria @ Asphalt Tales